Saturday, January 6, 2018

Which Way

There was a customer who flagged me down today while she was standing near the register.
Because she wanted to know how to put a dog harness on.
As you see, the rival store's harnesses have these handy dandy 'left and right' words sown into their harnesses so pet owners know how to put on the harness properly onto their dog. (which yes cool idea.) 
But our harnesses don't have those.
So she wanted to know which side was the right side.

Which....looking at the thing.
I honestly had no idea if there was a 'proper direction'
And it didn't help that I was put on the spot.
And I could feel her impatience.

And I hadn't wanted to be near this customer in the first place because she gave off a strong vibe of "I will make your life difficult." and I'm pretty sure I've already seen her in the store like everyday this week. (who comes in everyday to a petstore besides the workers?!?! Go do something else!) 

And yah.
Soooo could I figure out which way was the proper way to put the harness on.
*exhales* No.
Not in the moment.

So the customer just asked me to put it back.
And I can only guess that she went off to the rival store to buy a harness there. *shakes head*

Oh well...I tried.....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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