Friday, January 5, 2018

More More More

It's always fun to have customers who are super excited about their fish tanks.
Just to hear them talk about them is always entertaining and I love to see the pictures of how they decorated and everything.

What is less fun is dealing with the customers who are a bit...over zealous.
Like something miniscule goes wrong and they fly into full on panic and want to know how to fix it right then! 

But then there are also the customers who....just don't listen?

There's this family, where the father got one of our larger tanks, a 125 gallon, for Christmas and has been more than ecstatic about filling it full of fish. 

To the point where he's wanting to grab ALL the fish RIGHT NOW.
And it's rather hard to hold him back in his desires.
Though I am trying lol. 

He just wants all the fish. 
*shakes head*

I kinda figured I was in trouble after the first time they came to get fish and I told them to 'wait a week' and come back then....
Only for them to come in like two or three days later for more fish.

And then consequently I've been seeing the family...well it feels like every other day.
As they have started to bring back dead fish,
And want to get replacement fish for their dead fish.

And I'm just like.

Bring back the fish you lose, sure.
But don't buy any more!
If the fish are dying then that means the tank isn't quite stable yet for the addition of more fish.


I saw them again briefly today.
Briefly because I was walking out of work while they were walking into work.
So I didn't have to help them this time around.
but I honestly wonder if it was to return more dead fish....or come buy new ones....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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