Wednesday, February 28, 2018

You're Here Early

It was half an hour before the store opened officially. 

When I saw the customer in the store.
Or rather, I looked up from my task of feeding the animals and saw her standing there, and upon making eye contact she was like "Are you open yet?" 

To which I told her. "The main store doesn't open for half an hour." 
Because it doesn't. The hours on our doors clearly state that. 
However, there's always a bit of confusion because grooming and our vet are already open as they usually accept drop offs before the main store opens and such. 

In any case.
After hearing that we weren't open yet the customer was like. 
"So...can I still bring stuff up to the registers to buy?" 

Like lady.
What do YOU think?! 

My response was "I'm not sure if the registers are up yet as the main store is not yet open." 

I mean, I figured the registers probably were open because the managers usually open them up soon after the groomers start accepting customers because occasionally the grooming customers will decide they want to pay for their groom Right Then instead of later when they pick up their pets. 
So yah...our registers were more than likely open.

But if this customer wasn't a grooming customer then there was really no reason for them to be IN the store before our hours. 
*shakes head* 

I saw her glance at her phone, look around the store, and then start walking towards the back of the store.
So I'm not sure if she decided to try her luck and try and buy something before we were officially open, or if she ended up walking back out of the store without buying anything.
But in either case...I wasn't the one to help her if she did. I mean, the managers could have always chosen to help her out if she had approached them. 

Kinda wish people would learn to read the hours on the doors before they enter the store...

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Fish Fish Fish

So I was in the middle of helping a needy customer who had a ton of questions about reptiles when I noticed a bunch of customers heading over to the fish wall, which they could have all been looking but who knew for sure.
Yet I had one customer hovering nearby who was like "I need help with fish" before she wandered over to the fish wall to wait.
And not knowing how much longer I would be answering my current customer's questions -as the customer kept asking me more and more and going through like every animal on the list. I called for backup.

Which like....I was the only Pet Care associate on the floor at the time.
Sooo boo with that.
But the managers are all supposed to be trained a bit with helping in Petcare, sooo I was like it's just catching fish what could happen? the manager and one of the new cashiers -that I had trained on fish but kinda put from my mind that she could help with fish- Came up to help while the woman while I was finishing up with my reptile customer. 

And when I finally got to the fish wall....
It was to see both the manager and cashier attempting to count and bag fish.

Which they were at the ending stage when I got to them.
So fish were mostly counted, 
but the manager was trying to put like 20 fish in our smallest bag. :S Which Ummmm
Like if it's more than 10 goldfish I usually move them up a bag size or two to our medium or large bags. 
Because the fishies need space. 

Lol I ended up taking over for both of them, double checking the number of fish my cashier bagged because she'd lost count, and making sure the other goldfish my manager was trying to bag ended up in a larger bag.

It was rather...amusing to see really.
But I do appreciate their efforts to do well. ^^;; 
*note to self* Give them more practice catching fish. lol. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, February 26, 2018


It's still amusing to be the one to go up and help customers out of the store if they request a carry out. 

Most of the time it's grandparent aged people who need the assistance just because they can't lift as much as they used to. 
But there are also times when it's younger folk, 30-50s who request help. The usual reason being that they just had surgery or have an issue with their back and they basically can't lift the thing that needs to be lifting.

Yet you can always see them second guessing themselves when I come up to the front.
Like I'm one of the tinier people in the store. Look like I would blow over with a strong gust of wind. 
So they're always like "Oh, honey, No, someone else can help me, I can probably lift this! No don't go through the trouble." 

lol I even had one customer exclaim "Why do they always send the girls to help?! Where are the boys?" 
( 95% of those who work at the store are girls. Sorry. If you want a guy's help you gotta come when the stockers are in.'re kinda outta luck.) 

It was such a case today, 
when I volunteered to help a customer out to their car -lifting cat litter-

The woman was surprised that it was me coming up. 
Felt really bad about it.
Lol but she loved my hair so yay for that. ;) haha.

But yah, she was one of those ones with back issues. 
So it wasn't like I was judging her or anything. 
I get it. Some people just can't lift heavy things.
But I could tell she was second guessing her capabilities seeing me there. 
Not much I can do about it, besides reassure them that I do this sort of thing all the time and I don't really mind it. (yay for getting some sunshine.) 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Wait Okay

Saturdays are usually our busiest days of the week.
Not surprising in Retail.

Today was one of those days...where I kinda figured it would be busier.
Because the store had only been open like maybe five minutes and I'd already helped three people with crickets and fish. 
And if people are in the store right when we're open?
It doesn't bode well for the rest of the day.
It's usually a pretty strong indicator that we'll be busy.

and we were.
My department it was kinda the usual busy. So nothing too crazy for the most part, while registers were having to go to four lanes to help everybody get through the line faster.

But apparently....we were busy enough....
That customers were getting impatient.

As I caught a customer pulling fish bags out of our cart and prepping them as if he were planning to go catch the fish himself.

Which. AH!
You can't do that!!! 

Mostly because a) do you know how to catch fish?
b) what if you kill them?!
and c) you probably don't know how to properly label the fish so the cashiers can give you the proper prices for the food.

Thankfully the customer hadn't yet gotten to the point of trying to catch the fish.
but it's been a while since I've had a customer with the gumption to try. 
*shakes head*
Nope. No fish catching for you. Leave that to the workers please. Wait your turn.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, February 22, 2018


I had a teacher come into work today.
Who was wanting to get a small tank and some guppies to breed them for her class.
So that her students could observe them, and look at the babies and figure out how much of the genetics were received from the father and mother.

Which was totally a cool idea in theory!

Like.... well for one we didn't have any females in stock.
Which was fine because the teacher was planning to just get the tank today and come back tomorrow for fish.

But the problem with this is that....
Well the females could already be pregnant before you buy them. 
Which means that even if you have just one male in your tank....
He might not be the father of all the fry.

Because like...that's basically how it works. 

So it's the sort of concept....that in theory would be great. And I love the idea of the project.
But I'd think you'd need to get a couple of generations away from the original parents before you could accurately begin guessing which genetics were passed on between the fish.
And have like a ....control group....where you know the females haven't had any contact with other males besides the one you want them to breed with. 

Honestly...I do wonder what the teacher will end up doing....if they'll get the tank and try the breeding thing....
Or decide on a slightly different genetics project.....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


I had a customer come into the store today.
Who was rather wary around the snakes and such.
Not surprising, snakes aren't for everyone.

But she was like "This snake has fangs right? So it's poisonous?" 

Umm....No? Just because there are fangs doesn't mean that there is venom within them.
So I told her "No, we don't sell venomous creatures here."
(Besides like...the scorpion and the tarantula...but we're not allowed to handle those.) 
But snake wise? Nope. All can be handled without worry about being injected with venom if bitten.

The lady then asked a rather....interesting question. 
"How did you remove the venom?" 

Umm....we didn't?
Like....not all snakes have venom lady. 
Which when I said we didn't, that's when the light clicked on for her. "Oh, is this one of those constrictors?" 

Which...yah Pythons are usually constrictors..... 

*shakes head* 

lol. She still didn't want to handle them,
but at least she knows we don't have venomous snakes here. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Percentage Requirements

Towards the end of my shift today, a customer came into the store requesting aid in the kitten food. a brand. Find kitten on the bag. And tada! Kitten food.

But it ended up being slightly more complicated for the customer, in that they didn't have a kitten.
They had an old cat. 
Like 9 years old or so.
Who was suddenly loosing weight.
And the Vet recommended that the customer buy kitten food. 
Because Kitten food is usually higher in protein and fat as they're constantly growing and need the extra fat/protein to help with that. 

So I was like. Okay easy enough.
Lead them to the Blue Wilderness isle as that food has a ton of protein.
Easy peasy.

Apparently the vet recommended a couple other brands. 
The main thing being that the customer needed to have the protein be at least 30% and the fat be at least 20% 
So I went through the different ones on the list.
Showing which ones met the requirements, which ones didn't, suggesting a couple others....

And did it again, and again, and again,
Because the customer had the memory of a teaspoon. 
I don't know how many times I told them that Bag A had 33% Protein, 21% Fat and Bag B had 40% Protein and 18% Fat etc etc etc.
They kept dithering between those two, occasionally double checking with Bag C and Bag D and Bag E.

And I was like. Dude just pick Bag A
But the customer was set on Bag B even though it didn't match the Fat requirement.....

But yah spent like a good 20 minutes trying to help that customer pick a bag, 
only for them in the end to decide that they were going to call the vet again and talk with them real quick.

Which since I was off at that moment....I don't know what the customer actually ended up going with. Hopefully they made a decision though... 

*shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, February 19, 2018

A Little More Patience

My cashier today got on my nerves.
Because at one point, when I was busy in the back....and apparently when the managers all forgot that they could come up and help too...

My cashier called for a back up cashier. 

Which, not a big deal to go help out.
But because I'm often by myself in the department, I kinda try and keep myself as a 'last' resort, allowing other people to volunteer to go back up first before I'll step up.
Because if I get stuck at register and there are customers suddenly needing help with fish....I'm like the only one in the store that can often help out. *exhales* 

So I wait.

Plus at that particular moment, my hands were full as I was trying to finish setting up some cages in prep for getting new animals into the store.

But it was hardly thirty seconds after hearing the first "could i get a back up cashier." from my cashier.

That I heard it again.
"Can I get a backup cashier?"

Because nobody had responded to the cashier's first call.

There was silence. 

And once more. Thirty seconds later.
The cashier was like "Can I get a back up cashier."

Which is when my irritation got the best of me. "Hold on a second." I said into the radio. 

Because like geez.
I got that the cashier needed backup the first time.

But doesn't hurt to wait a minute or two before requesting aid again.
Every thirty seconds quickly gets on the nerves.
Like, maybe after a transaction or two with customers would I request backup. *shakes head* 

Or else the cashier could have been like. "Hey [name] could you help me backup?" 

Because I've noticed that people are more quick to respond (if they're not busy talking to a customer) if you use their name.

Which came in handly when the cashier a little while later needed help again.
And this time I was like "Hey {name} you got that or you need me to?" and my coworker was like "Oh, I got it!" And went up to the front to respond.

So yah.
Names help.
And waiting longer than thirty seconds helps too. 
Helps to avoid getting on your coworker's nerves. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, February 17, 2018

A Concerned Call

I had a woman call the store basically right as we opened this morning.
Concerned about two betta fish that she was taking care of. 
Apparently she'd taken over caring for them from her...granddaughter?  
After she'd stayed at her house for a couple of weeks and noticed that the bettas weren't getting taken care of properly. Because the granddaughter was too busy.
So she took on the fish for a couple more weeks.

And was concerned that she wasn't taking care of the fish properly. 
Which, she was from what I could gather. 
She'd even created her own little gravel vacuum to clean out her little tanks. 
So that was cool.

But yah, she was wanting to know if there was someone who would take her fish.
Because she was supposed to be bringing the bettas back to her granddaughter today.
And she was concerned that they wouldn't be taken care of if she brought them back.
So she was hoping that I knew someone who would want them. 
Because the bettas were 'a lot of work' in her opinion.
To keep them healthy and happy. 

-...they shouldn't be that much work...but her words not mine.

Soo I gave her the names of a couple of local pet stores that take in pets.

Dunno what she ended up doing with the fish.
But hopefully they found a good home whatever the case. :) 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Finding Reception

So since like...October of last year.
My dept has been using the Customer Service phone to answer calls.

Which has been more than tedious. Because that phone is basically splitting apart. 
You have to hold the phone a certain way against your ear to even be able to hear the person on the other end. 
Which is part of the reason why we hardly ever used that phone.
Was because it wasn't in the best condition. was all my department had to use.
Because back in October....a coworker dropped our dept phone in the toilet...
and like...there's no recovering from that when electronics get wet. 
-We tried...but nope it was all glitched out.

-Considering how closely we work with water in the department it's rather surprising we haven't had more phones destroyed by water.
But I think this was like the first one.

Which...really all we needed to do was send our dept phone away to the company so that they could send us a replacement. 

....but it took forever to send the phone I think the managers were hoping it would get better. (it didn't) 

But then when we did send out the phone.
It took forever to get it sent back to us.

Namely in that....
Today it finally showed up. 
So for the first time in like 4 months.
I actually had my own department's phone to use. 
*shakes head*

It feels so great to have our phone back.
To not have to worry about how you answer the phone.
To not have to worry about the customer being able to hear you. 

So yay!!

My only worry....
Is that I had to hand the phone off to our greenest member of the dept....
:S So I hope I don't come into work to find it already broken. ^^;;; 
lol I don't think it will happen...but we'll see. ^^;; 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Little kids (when they're not throwing a tantrum) are the best.
They think everything you do is so amazing. And can blow their mind by simply offering to let them pet or hold an animal when they're not expecting it. 
It's kinda fun. ^^;; lol. 

Today I had a fun little boy come into the store with his parents.
Who desperately wanted a hamster. 
And managed to convince his parents, after petting and handling a Long-Haired Syrian (hamster) to get him that hamster.

The fun thing about the little boy.
Is that his favorite color is Purple.
And so I bonded a little with him because that's my favorite color too.
And he was just so insistent on getting purple everything.

Purple cage.
Purple bedding.
Purple house
Purple Ball. 

lol. it was beyond cute how excited he would get with each new purple thing he discovered.

Totally was a fun ten minutes I spent with him and his family, making sure they had everything they needed. 


-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dashing Away

Green Anoles.
They're such quick little buggers. 
Difficult to catch.
And if the cage is open -which it is when trying to catch the things- they really enjoy escaping. XP ugh.

I had a gentleman today who wanted to get a green anole.
Which was lucky for him because we'd just barely received in our shipment of reptiles for the week.
Otherwise he would have been out of luck. 

In any case.
Being new to the cage. 
The anoles were a bit spastic. 

And unsurprisingly, trying to catch one....
The one I was trying to get escaped.
Clambering out of the cage. 
Onto the display sign above the cages, behind it....
I had to move the ladder to try and catch it.
Only it jumped like 8 feet down to the floor, skittering across it quickly. Heading for some shelves to dart underneath it.

I jumped down, falling to my knees, scrambling to get it before it went under.

Thankfully I managed it. 
Caught the little bugger before it could escape.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, February 12, 2018


It's interesting how people can be so grateful for small things. 

So I was coming back from lunch, and walked past our birds and saw a woman there staring at them.
So like usual I was like "Can I help you?" 
And she was like "What kind of grass is that?" pointing to the hay balls in the finches enclosure. 
"It's timothy hay." I responded.
"Do you sale that?" She asked. 
"Yah, it's over here." So I lead her around the corner to the shelves of hay we had, pointing to the various bag sizes. 
She was like ()_() "You have any smaller bags?" 
Which I did. And directed her towards.
And in the end she said "Thank you so much!" 
And that was the end of it.
Only, I happened to need to run up to the register to grab something while she was there and she told me "Thank you again for your help." 
And was just kinda cool.
That she thought I was helpful enough to warrant being thanked twice. lol. 
Like, I didn't think it was anything really to show her where the hay was, because like...that's part of my job is to show people where product is that they're looking for.
But I really do appreciate it when people are grateful for the help. Grateful enough to go beyond the normal "Thanks." 
To thanking me multiple times. 
I really like that.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, February 10, 2018


Gotta love games of Telephone with customers. 

I was already in a semi irritated mood because for whatever reason, this Saturday customers decided that they needed to call the store. 
Which I get later in the day.
But when we've only been open like thirty minutes and I've already fielded a dozen phone calls...
One gets rather irritated rather quickly.
Like....why are you calling now?! I need to be getting the rest of my opening tasks done and you're not helping if I'm constantly having to step away to go see if we have the product in stock or double check a price or sale for you. 

I answer the phone.
And the customer on the other hand asked if we had Neons in stock.
Which lucky me.
I knew the answer to that as I had actually looked in that tank this morning. So I already knew that answer. 
Thankfully. As we'd been out of neons for a couple weeks now because they didn't send us any in our last shipment of fish. 
But of course the customer couldn't leave it at that. They wanted to know how many I had and how much they were.

To which the latter I responded "They're currently on sale for a dollar." 
The customer was like "Huh? How much?"
"For a dollar" I repeated.

"You mean I can get Four for a dollar?" Which you could hear the excitement in his voice at the prospect of getting a ton of fish for cheap.
"No...they're a dollar each." I corrected him.
Which is still a pretty good deal all things considered. 

But yah...gotta love the games of telephone I have to play when the reception isn't always the greatest. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, February 9, 2018

Special Price For Me?

Gotta love the customers that are always on the look out for a deal.

Currently we have a sale going on at work, where if a customer buys a specific 10 gallon tank, then they will be able to purchase a Leopard Gecko for just $5. 
-Which they're usually around $20 or so. 

And I had this customer come into the store.

Who was interested in getting a leopard gecko. 

But I didn't find that out until later.

All I knew was that he needed help getting a large like 40 gallon tank down onto a cart. (which a manager helped with that.) 

It was later when he asked for help where he was like: 
So I'm buying this tank -40 gallon- and I see here that you have a sale where if you buy this 10 gallon tank you can get the leopard gecko for $5. So my question is, is that since I'm buying the larger tank and will need to buy all the supplies separately....can I still get the Leopard Gecko for $5? 

To which I was like...yah it sounds reasonable. But....sales are usually to specific products.
So I went to the manager. Because manager says all. 
and they were like: Well. I can't give you that sale because it is to the specific product. But because you are buying everything, I could possibly give you $5 off the lizard so you're paying less.... 

As often we don't discount live animals because well...I believe we have specific price agreements with the breeders or something. *shrugs* Because I know we can't price match live animals to the prices other stores. 

Honestly I probably would have just bought the 10 gallon kit and called it good. Getting the leopard gecko for the $5 price. 
As really they're fine in 10 gallon tanks. And occasionally people will put them in 20 long. But it's rare to put them in 40 gallon tanks. O.o
This customer might be the first to do it that I've helped. 

In the end....
I don't know what he ended up doing.
If he got the tank and everything separately or decided to rethink it all.
All I know is that I never helped him get that leopard gecko....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, February 8, 2018

People Are Strange

Sometimes I get those customers in the store....where I wonder if they're on something. 
Because like....they have this frentic energy about them. And don't quite seem all there. 

So I was helping a customer with betta fish as my coworker was bagging up crickets. When this other customer basically butted in asking if we had a specific type of betta in stock.

He was looking for a big blue long finned betta that was some sort of 'dragon variety' 

But the conversation started with: "What's your most expensive betta?" 

As apparently these fish are expensive....the style he was looking for.
But my most expensive type wasn't the type he was looking for.
He was looking for one with long fins. Like the longest fins you've ever seen....

Which like dude....the bettas are in do you expect their fins to be long?? *shakes head* 

I did my best to try and help him find the style of betta he was looking for.
But unfortunately, I didn't carry the type of betta he wanted.

However, he jumped right from not being able to find a betta, to asking me about the crickets that my coworker had been bagging for him.
Mostly do you keep them from escaping?
Which don't? 
They'll escape no matter what. 

And then after receiving that answer, he took me over to the chameleons, and asked about cages and wanted to know dimensions of a cage and lectured me about types of cages of chameleons...

And like his whole thought process was just....chaotic.
He jumped from topic to topic so quickly.
Seeming so frantic.
Like....I had to wonder if he was alright.... 
Seriously...such a weird fifteen minute interaction with this guy.
Where I felt like I never got a good answer for him that satisfied him....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A Scrape

It was such a simple thing. 

I was in the back, making sure the animals had their food and water and such.
And my manager came back asking to grab a portable gravel vacuum that we have there. 

And it should have been easy to grab it off the paper towel dispenser. It wasn't. 
It was caught.
And so in the process of trying to get it unstuck...
I ended up scraping a good chunk of skin off my arm. 
Like right where my watch usually rests.
I wouldn't be surprised if the watch was the causation of the scrape. 

But I didn't think of it as a big deal...
Until it started bleeding.
So I went and grabbed a bandaid and cleaned it and such.
Thinking that was that.

Only it wasn't.

For like the rest of my like five hours or so?
That scrape continued to bleed. 
Which...I'd have expected it to scab up pretty quickly...
But I guess scrapes are different from cuts and claw marks....
Because it didn't stop.
Probably because I was injured near a pulse point, so the blood was nearer the surface? *shrugs* Who knows.
But it was also on my left hand.
And being left handed.
I use that limb for basically everything.
So it wasn't like I was holding still to let the blood settle either. 

Thankfully, once I got home from work and was able to rest my arm for a bit (yay naps) it finally stopped bleeding. weird for such a minor injury to be such a hassle. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, February 5, 2018


So I'd been busy in the back of the store, mostly on the hunt for a scan gun. When the call came over the radio that a customer needed help in the fish section.
Which is always annoying when I had just barely LEFT that section not THIRTY seconds before.
Like. Where were you person before went to the back? Did you seriously only wait ten seconds before going to the cashier to request aid?

*shakes head*

In any case, I was busy, and my coworker was also the cashier ended up having a manager cover them so they could go help the customer until one of us in the dept was free. 

By the time I got up there -as I got waylaid by other customers-
My coworker the cashier, was in the middle of catching Ghost Shrimp.
Which is always a semi adventure, because those clear hard to see creatures like to jump. 

So when you catch it, they can like...flip themselves out of the net before it even leave the water.
Or even flip themselves out of the containers if you manage to get them out of the tank into the little container before you put them in the bag. 

*shakes head* 

And my coworker...well he was struggling.
Because he doesn't often catch fish.
And doesn't know how tricky ghost shrimp could be. 

But he managed Somehow....
Until he tried to pour the shrimp into the bag...
and like only two of the five made it into the bag.

I ended up taking over for him, just to get the job done faster and make sure the shrimp made it inside the bag. 
Because him kneeling on the ground trying to pour the shrimp into the bag was why not go stand at the podium?? *shakes head*

Shrimp made it into the bag.

Hopefully they do alright in the guy's tank...

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, February 3, 2018

A Big Visitor

It was sometime after I'd returned from lunch.
Or at least I'd like to think that it happened while I was at lunch.
Because it's really weird that no one saw this.

But I'd returned to the fish wall after my lunch break.

And happened to look in one of our angelfish tanks, because I look at them, dreaming of possibly getting more angelfish for my own tank and knowing that that's not a good idea.

When I saw something out of the ordinary.

As the tank of angelfish I was staring at....were the tiny angelfish. The babies. The ones that are like no bigger than a quarter. 

But within the tank.
Was definitely an Angelfish bigger than a quarter.
No, this was like a full grown angelfish!!

Of course my first thought was. "Oh hey, my coworkers yesterday put the angelfish in the wrong tank." 
As the large Angelfish are in the tank right above the small one.


There was one problem with that.

I mean, I would have noticed this huge fish hanging out with the babies pretty quickly if I was catching the small ones.
Even if I hadn't had to pull any fish from that tank earlier, I would have noticed because I do a dead fish pull every morning (cus sadly fish die) and I always check the angelfish tanks because the babies can be rather fragile. 
and yah. Still no angelfish.

Plus. This one was...malformed. 
The large angelfish.
It has a big chunk missing out of it's forehead. 
Which is either an old wound healed, a birth defect (less likely) or mistreatment of a fish to make it ill formed. 

Which I was like "Guys...why is there a giant angelfish in with the baby angelfish?"
And none of my coworkers had a clue!! 

Someone managed to bring a large angelfish into the store.
Put it in the tank.
And leave with none of us the wiser.

I was a was busy....So there were customers all over the place.
But with how often we have to be at the fish wall.
It's crazy to think that someone dropped off their fish there and we didn't see them do it. 
*shakes head* 

In any case.
Because the poor thing has a misshaped head and some torn up fins. 
I told my coworkers to move the angelfish into our display tank. Where it could have plenty of space in the 60 gallons to swim around.
And possibly have time to recover and be happy there.

I dunno how long he's going to stay in the tank though.
As people have a habit of wanting fish out of our display tanks. 
Which is a nightmare to fish out of btw. 

But at least he has a safe well taken care of home for now. 

Poor angelfish.
I wonder why someone dropped him off...

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, February 1, 2018

A Repeat Tap

So, there I was, cleaning the bird cages.
Which isn't the wire bird cages that people keep in their homes.
But instead the glass cages at work.
Where you can see the birds without any bars to interfere.
So there I was, cleaning the glass of the bird cages.
Being inside the cage, because birds being birds, they make messes on the glass constantly.

And it's not like the birds just calmly sit in a corner while you're cleaning the glass.
No, whenever you twitch, they spazz out and fly in all different directions and send feathers and dust and food every which way. 

But today, while I was cleaning.
There was this one particular bird.
That flew right into my arm, not once, but twice.

He like rammed right into my arm, bounced away, to fly to the other side of the cage, and then came zooming right back and ran into my arm in the same spot. Only to bounce away again. 

*shakes head*

I don't know if he was trying to land on my arm,
Or over/under it.
But needless to say.
He misjudged the up and down motion I was making while cleaning the glass.
And hit me.

Lucky me it didn't hurt. XD lol. Just was kinda amusing that the bird did it more than once. 

Maybe the bird was just trying to tell me to 'go away!' 

who knows.

-Sarnic Dirchi