Wednesday, February 28, 2018

You're Here Early

It was half an hour before the store opened officially. 

When I saw the customer in the store.
Or rather, I looked up from my task of feeding the animals and saw her standing there, and upon making eye contact she was like "Are you open yet?" 

To which I told her. "The main store doesn't open for half an hour." 
Because it doesn't. The hours on our doors clearly state that. 
However, there's always a bit of confusion because grooming and our vet are already open as they usually accept drop offs before the main store opens and such. 

In any case.
After hearing that we weren't open yet the customer was like. 
"So...can I still bring stuff up to the registers to buy?" 

Like lady.
What do YOU think?! 

My response was "I'm not sure if the registers are up yet as the main store is not yet open." 

I mean, I figured the registers probably were open because the managers usually open them up soon after the groomers start accepting customers because occasionally the grooming customers will decide they want to pay for their groom Right Then instead of later when they pick up their pets. 
So yah...our registers were more than likely open.

But if this customer wasn't a grooming customer then there was really no reason for them to be IN the store before our hours. 
*shakes head* 

I saw her glance at her phone, look around the store, and then start walking towards the back of the store.
So I'm not sure if she decided to try her luck and try and buy something before we were officially open, or if she ended up walking back out of the store without buying anything.
But in either case...I wasn't the one to help her if she did. I mean, the managers could have always chosen to help her out if she had approached them. 

Kinda wish people would learn to read the hours on the doors before they enter the store...

-Sarnic Dirchi

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