Saturday, February 3, 2018

A Big Visitor

It was sometime after I'd returned from lunch.
Or at least I'd like to think that it happened while I was at lunch.
Because it's really weird that no one saw this.

But I'd returned to the fish wall after my lunch break.

And happened to look in one of our angelfish tanks, because I look at them, dreaming of possibly getting more angelfish for my own tank and knowing that that's not a good idea.

When I saw something out of the ordinary.

As the tank of angelfish I was staring at....were the tiny angelfish. The babies. The ones that are like no bigger than a quarter. 

But within the tank.
Was definitely an Angelfish bigger than a quarter.
No, this was like a full grown angelfish!!

Of course my first thought was. "Oh hey, my coworkers yesterday put the angelfish in the wrong tank." 
As the large Angelfish are in the tank right above the small one.


There was one problem with that.

I mean, I would have noticed this huge fish hanging out with the babies pretty quickly if I was catching the small ones.
Even if I hadn't had to pull any fish from that tank earlier, I would have noticed because I do a dead fish pull every morning (cus sadly fish die) and I always check the angelfish tanks because the babies can be rather fragile. 
and yah. Still no angelfish.

Plus. This one was...malformed. 
The large angelfish.
It has a big chunk missing out of it's forehead. 
Which is either an old wound healed, a birth defect (less likely) or mistreatment of a fish to make it ill formed. 

Which I was like "Guys...why is there a giant angelfish in with the baby angelfish?"
And none of my coworkers had a clue!! 

Someone managed to bring a large angelfish into the store.
Put it in the tank.
And leave with none of us the wiser.

I was a was busy....So there were customers all over the place.
But with how often we have to be at the fish wall.
It's crazy to think that someone dropped off their fish there and we didn't see them do it. 
*shakes head* 

In any case.
Because the poor thing has a misshaped head and some torn up fins. 
I told my coworkers to move the angelfish into our display tank. Where it could have plenty of space in the 60 gallons to swim around.
And possibly have time to recover and be happy there.

I dunno how long he's going to stay in the tank though.
As people have a habit of wanting fish out of our display tanks. 
Which is a nightmare to fish out of btw. 

But at least he has a safe well taken care of home for now. 

Poor angelfish.
I wonder why someone dropped him off...

-Sarnic Dirchi

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