Saturday, February 10, 2018


Gotta love games of Telephone with customers. 

I was already in a semi irritated mood because for whatever reason, this Saturday customers decided that they needed to call the store. 
Which I get later in the day.
But when we've only been open like thirty minutes and I've already fielded a dozen phone calls...
One gets rather irritated rather quickly.
Like....why are you calling now?! I need to be getting the rest of my opening tasks done and you're not helping if I'm constantly having to step away to go see if we have the product in stock or double check a price or sale for you. 

I answer the phone.
And the customer on the other hand asked if we had Neons in stock.
Which lucky me.
I knew the answer to that as I had actually looked in that tank this morning. So I already knew that answer. 
Thankfully. As we'd been out of neons for a couple weeks now because they didn't send us any in our last shipment of fish. 
But of course the customer couldn't leave it at that. They wanted to know how many I had and how much they were.

To which the latter I responded "They're currently on sale for a dollar." 
The customer was like "Huh? How much?"
"For a dollar" I repeated.

"You mean I can get Four for a dollar?" Which you could hear the excitement in his voice at the prospect of getting a ton of fish for cheap.
"No...they're a dollar each." I corrected him.
Which is still a pretty good deal all things considered. 

But yah...gotta love the games of telephone I have to play when the reception isn't always the greatest. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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