Monday, February 19, 2018

A Little More Patience

My cashier today got on my nerves.
Because at one point, when I was busy in the back....and apparently when the managers all forgot that they could come up and help too...

My cashier called for a back up cashier. 

Which, not a big deal to go help out.
But because I'm often by myself in the department, I kinda try and keep myself as a 'last' resort, allowing other people to volunteer to go back up first before I'll step up.
Because if I get stuck at register and there are customers suddenly needing help with fish....I'm like the only one in the store that can often help out. *exhales* 

So I wait.

Plus at that particular moment, my hands were full as I was trying to finish setting up some cages in prep for getting new animals into the store.

But it was hardly thirty seconds after hearing the first "could i get a back up cashier." from my cashier.

That I heard it again.
"Can I get a backup cashier?"

Because nobody had responded to the cashier's first call.

There was silence. 

And once more. Thirty seconds later.
The cashier was like "Can I get a back up cashier."

Which is when my irritation got the best of me. "Hold on a second." I said into the radio. 

Because like geez.
I got that the cashier needed backup the first time.

But doesn't hurt to wait a minute or two before requesting aid again.
Every thirty seconds quickly gets on the nerves.
Like, maybe after a transaction or two with customers would I request backup. *shakes head* 

Or else the cashier could have been like. "Hey [name] could you help me backup?" 

Because I've noticed that people are more quick to respond (if they're not busy talking to a customer) if you use their name.

Which came in handly when the cashier a little while later needed help again.
And this time I was like "Hey {name} you got that or you need me to?" and my coworker was like "Oh, I got it!" And went up to the front to respond.

So yah.
Names help.
And waiting longer than thirty seconds helps too. 
Helps to avoid getting on your coworker's nerves. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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