Thursday, April 5, 2018

An Odd Complaint

People will literally complain about anything.

So at my work, we allow dogs to come into the store so you can shop with your pet since...well it is a pet store. 
(We allow other animals as well.) 

But the main thing is that on our doors when you walk in we have a sign that says vaccinated and LEASHED animals welcome.

Or you know....otherwise contained.
If you have your dog in the store, we want it to either a) be on a leash. 
Or b) be in some kind of confinement whether it's in a carrier, in one of the shopping carts, in your arms...
basically we just don't want the dog to be able to wander free. 

Which writing this out, it is weird that people think that they can just walk into the store and set their dog down and let it wander willy nilly without there being consequences...that's just weird.

But basically.
If your dog is on the floor, we want them on a leash, that way if something happens, you have a way to control your dog quickly.
That may be as simple as stopping them from marking their territory, or a bit more drastic as quickly getting your dog away from another dog. (in case one is more aggressive than the other)

But this customer...
Went online and reviewed our store....and complained about us having a policy of dogs needing leashes. 

Because of that policy.
The customer thought that they should be allowed to have their dog off leash in our store...because their dog was 'well trained and very obedient' and yadda yadda yadda.

Which great.
It's great that your dog is trained to stay by you.

But you also have to remember that other people's dogs....Aren't.
There are dogs that come into the store that could possibly hurt your other dog. might think your dog is well trained....
But other dogs are not. Other dogs don't heed their owners when off leash.

So we make a policy of having all the dogs leashed, in order to keep everyone and their pets safe. 

Because if one person doesn't have a leash....
More people won't want their dogs leashed.
And then it will just become an unsafe environment for everyone. 

*shakes head*
Sorry customer. This isn't a dog park.
If you want your dog off leash. It's not going to be at the store.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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