Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Job?

So this morning I was cleaning out the small pet cages, and was in the middle of cleaning the large Chinchilla cage, when a gentleman walked by and asked me. "How did you get this job?" 

To which, me, in my distracted state of focus on cleaning the cage, figured he was talking about my job in general. Like...how did I get to work at a pet store? 

So I was like "I applied for it."

To which he seemed a little surprised but was like "Oh, that's cool. Seems like fun!"

"Yep! It is!" Was my response, because I do have a lot of fun at work. ^^;; lol. 

It was only long after the customer had left the store and I was finishing up with the last of the cages....

That I realized the customer was probably asking me how I had ended up stuck being the one cleaning the cages... ^^;; heh.

Which in retrospect makes a lot more sense. lol. ^^;; 

....but like my answer would still be basically the same in any case lol.
As part of my job description is that I clean cages. 
So in a sense, I applied to clean cages. haha. ^^;; 

Ah well.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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