Saturday, April 21, 2018


A customer nearly gave me a heart attack today.

You see, we have this one really tall ladder (on wheels) that we use to reach the midsteel of our well...steel shelving units we have in the store.

-Which have three main layers.
The bottom layer where store product is located.
A mid layer about eight feet off the ground so you can't reach it from the floor. 
and a top layer like 12 feet or higher off the ground where we store all the big things like extra tanks and such.

And this tall ladder, we use to reach that middle section, where we keep lighter overstock products, like the smaller 2 gallon fish tanks, extra decorations, extra bird/hamster cages etc etc.

But also our overstock smaller cat scratchers.

Which seriously has been causing me issues for the past couple weeks, as people see those cat scratchers and think that it's actually on the 'shelf' for them to purchase, and they get quite frustrated because a) they can't reach them and b) they can't see a price for them.....
Because they don't realize we have an aisle that holds those cat scratchers down where they can reach them. 

*exhales* The problems with having product out of sight of similar product. 
-As you can't see the smaller cat scratchers where the larger cat scratchers and the over stock ones are. 
So people assume that the ones high up out of reach are the only ones that we have....

*shakes head*

In any case.

I happened to look over to this section....
To see an older grandparent age couple standing by the tall trees.

The woman, looking up to the smaller ones.
And the man?

He was on the ladder grabbing down some of the smaller cat scratchers. 

*cue near heart attack* 

Because a) we don't allow customers on the ladders because 1. They can get hurt if they fall and 2. we don't want to be sued because they got hurt. 
But I was also panicking because b) the dude was grandparent age!
Like. "Help I've fallen and I can't get up." old. 
Like. "I fell and broke my hip." old.

:S :S :S :S 
And all I could picture was him misjudging a step as he tried to get back down and see him falling hard to the floor and AHHHH!!!

So I was like "Sir! You can't be up there!"
Get down before you die dude!!! AHHHHH

Which thankfully he got down off the ladder just fine,
And I was able to help them find the product they needed, and get them their prices....

But ahh....

We really need to reorganize the store a bit better so people stop trying to reach those extra trees. *exhales* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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