Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Mind the Gap

I feel like it's a week of death.
I's just the oddest trend.
That basically everyday so far.
I've answered the phone at work, only to have a customer on the other side tell me that their animal died. 

Like...It's weird.
How is it that so many animals in a row are being sold...only to die within our guaranteed period? 

*shakes head*
I halfway wonder if it's the changing weather that's an influence.
How the increases in temperatures might be part of the causation for people's pets to die...


In any case.

I had a customer call the store this morning.
To tell me that she'd bought a Parakeet with her daughter for her birthday on Saturday.
She'd bought everything that the bird needed, double checked that the cage was right and such with an associate....

Only to have the bird try to squeeze through the bars in an attempt to escape, get stuck...and die. 


And the woman was rather upset about it.
Because like she'd said, she'd thought she'd gotten everything right.
But apparently the bars in the bird cage were too wide. 
And she was just mad that she'd got sold that cage if it wasn't correct for the bird. 

Which....I really sincerely hope that I wasn't the associate who was helping them.
Like I remember helping a woman/daughter duo...but it was like on Tuesday. And I know it was on Tuesday because we'd just barely brought out new parakeets onto the floor. 

And knowing that customers don't always remember dates correctly...I am now partially paranoid that I am the associate she was talking about. 

*shakes head*

But's not like I look too closely at cages when people are buying birds. Mostly I just look to makes sure that they are purchasing a bird cage....

So....end of story is that the customer was planning to bring bird and cage back.
So she could get a new bird, and exchange out the cage for one with smaller gaps between the bars.

Thankfully, my shift ended before she showed up.

As I really didn't want to have to deal with her if I was the one that had helped her out.....

Hopefully she and her daughter like the new bird....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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