Monday, April 23, 2018

Searching for Bugs

I've always wondered about the people who come into the store and go straight to the registers to ask for assistance at the fish wall/cricket podium....when I was already standing there.

Like...I keep thinking that they should at least look first before asking for help.
Because like....9/10 times I'm there. And like the 10th time I'm not there it's because I'd wandered away like 30 seconds before to go get a drink of water in the back of the store and I'm heading right back.

-As it's always irritating to me that I literally had 'just left' the fish wall when I hear the call for help. Like I literally had JUST LEFT be PATIENT!

Well today.
I was standing towards the front of the store, on the edge of our fish decoration aisle, halfway watching the display fish in the display tanks swimming around, waiting for my coworker to clock in so I could go home.

When I watched a guy walk into the store....and head straight to the register without looking around at all. 

He's going to need crickets. Was my thought, watching him go to stand in the line.
-Which thankfully for him the cashier was just finishing up with the other customer there. 

And I saw her look up and meet my eyes as she asked into the radio if I would be able to help the gentleman with crickets. 

To which I was like. "Well....yah?" 

*shakes head* lol Like if he'd turned left instead of right and walked to the fish I would have been right there asking him if he needed assistance and I was obviously standing there not doing anything. *shakes head* 

But it became clear to me why people would beeline straight for the registers and not walk over to the cricket podium first. 

It's because they don't know where it is. 

The registers they at least know the location of.
But if the person has never been in the store before, there is no clear way to know where the crickets would be located. :S

So I had a moment of clarity there.

But yah in the end. I helped the guy grab the crickets and mealworms he needed. ^^;; So all's well. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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