Wednesday, April 18, 2018

What Exactly Is "It?"

Gotta love it when customers feel like they have to give you a whole background story before telling you what they actually came into the store to look for.

So I'd helped this customer out a little bit, earlier in the store.
She'd come in looking for Turtle Docks, to which I directed her to them, and then later, I had also helped her grab some goldfish for her turtle. 

And I'd thought she had left by that point.
but no. 
A little bit later she comes up to me and was like: "Hey, I found this thing online and it said you carried it in the store, but I can't find it, so do you actually have it?" 

Which...that was quite literally what she said. So I was like "...what are you looking for?" Because I had no idea what 'it' was. 
She'd come in looking for a Turtle Dock. Had bought goldfish....
So I could only assume that she was looking for an item relating to the turtles.
Which ended up being correct. 

She had found the floating turtle docks, and had one in hand....but like it wasn't what she was looking for, she'd had a specific 'turtle related dock type item' in mind.

But did she tell me exactly what she'd seen online?


The customer launched into this whole background story. "I have two turtles, each in their separate tanks, and I wanted to be able to connect them, and I found this thing online that would help with that, but I can't find it, and it's not this floating dock thing but similar." All the while she was gesturing with the handshapes as if she were describing a hide. Like a large log or rock decoration which could double as both a ramp to get the turtle out of the water, but also work as a place for the turtle to hide under. 
Which didn't make sense with her words. of 'connecting the two' tanks she wanted the turtle to be able to climb up this item and use it to get into the other tank.

So I was like....just standing there, listening to her blabber on waiting for her to say something like: "I need a ramp, I need a hide, I need a rock with a hole in it." Something like that that would give me a better idea of what she was looking for.
Because I had absolutely no idea what this "item online was" as she had yet to tell me. 

Until she finally said something like "It's similar to these floating docks, but longer and there were suction cups on one side."

And that's when the lightbulb clicked. 
Like Oh!

She was probably talking about one of our rock ramp decorations that are long and narrow and have suction cups on one end.
I hadn't ever really thought of turtles using them, but we'd used that particular decoration before in the past in our bearded dragon tanks to give them a place to bask in that was easy to climb up. 

So I turned to the shelves behind me and grabbed the ramp and was like "Is this what you were looking for?"

Yes. yes it was. 

lol. *shakes head*
She could have said "I'm looking for a ramp. That's has suction cups on the end." And I would have gotten the item to her much quicker. 
No need for extra info. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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