Wednesday, January 2, 2019

No Touche

Had a customer come into the store with her two kids today.
Looking to get a fishtank.

Which she'd come in a while two or three months ago I think....(time is weird at work)
To look at the fishtanks and figure out which one she wanted and such.

...I think she might have been the customer who wanted the stand that our 60 gallon display tank was sitting on. (The one full of water and fish and would have taken a lot of effort to empty and therefore I didn't sell it to her.) -That was when we had the display tanks.

In any case.
She'd come in deciding that she wanted the 45 gallon tank instead.
Which was all fine and dandy.
And the interaction was going better than the last time.

Her kids were being so....touchy? To me?
One of the little girls kept grabbing my hand, or tugging my shirt, or tapping me to get my attention so she could point to something or ask a question.

Which usually I don't mind.

But there was just something about the energy the entire family was putting off.
That had me on edge.
Like nails on a chalkboard on edge.

And the little girl's constant touching wasn't helping at all.

So I did my best to be polite. But by the end of the interaction I was on edge.
And it didn't go away. It was difficult to feel calm and be willing to help customers because after that it all just...didn't feel right.

*exhales* Hopefully it will be better tomorrow.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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