Saturday, January 12, 2019


It always seems to happen. 
Where everything is going fine.
And then suddenly everyone and their mom comes into the store and like all of them need my help.

I got called over to the hamsters by a manager to help a customer who was returning his second dead hamster within three weeks... Which is rather crazy...but I ended up spending quite a bit of time with them trying to figure out possible reasons why two of their hamsters wouldn't make it and helping them pick out a third hamster (as they're trying one last time)

But then at the same time, there was a customer who was returning a Guinea pig that was sick (he wants to buy it back once we get it better)
The manager ended up taking over the return of the guinea pig, but left it up to me to go isolate him in our sick room....which took me like another fifteen to twenty minutes to do because I got waylaid at the fish wall by a customer seeking possible reasons why the fish in his daughter's tank were dying off. 
-I figured it was overstocking the tank too quickly as they added a bunch of fish at once.

And then before I got done talking with them, another coworker placed yet another animal return at the podium next to the guinea pig I was trying to isolate.
That animal?
A fancy mouse that had been purchased the day before and was returned because the mouse had bit their child. 
Which shouldn't have happened because you shouldn't be playing with the animals in the first three days....
In any case, since it was within twenty-four hours and the mouse himself seemed fine, I was able to put that one back on the floor.

And only then was I able to finally find a moment to spare -mostly because a coworker came to help me out--to go take the guinea pig into the back where we could keep an eye on him until we could get him to the vet. 

But yah.
Busy lunchtime rush. *shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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