Monday, January 7, 2019

Trying to Help

So I had my coworker call me up to the front of the store to help a customer who was trying to get a harness that properly fit her puppydog as the last one she bought ended up being too big.
But at the same time my coworker was like "this other customer" -A woman standing nearby with a cart- "needs help." 

Obviously I can't help both people at once. 
So I went for the first one. Helping the woman who needed the harness adjusted on her dog.

But the second woman. The customer with the cart.
Wasn't so patient.

"Can you help me?" She demanded of my coworker.
Which my coworker moved closer to help.

And the customer was like "I'm looking for a message canister' or something like that. Which after we gave her blank stares of confusion basically rolled her eyes at us and explained that it was like a message in a bottle. Where you could put information on a piece of paper and place it in a tiny canister thing that fits onto the dog's color. You know. For emergencies and such. 

Of course my coworker turned to me to see if I knew.
Because that's what basically everyone does in the store.
And here I was trying to fit the harness.
And I paused briefly to say "No, I don't think we have it, but I'll double check with the manager"
But before I could use the radios.
The customer was like "You know that harness is too tight right? It's cutting into the dog! It's hurting him!!" 

Which *rolls eyes* 
I hadn't noticed because I was distracted trying to help the lady with the dog and this demanding customer. 
But I doubt it was hurting the dog. Hard to tell though. The puppy never stopped whining which also was getting on my nerves. (Harness or no harness the do would whine) 
So I was like "Hold on." 
Undid the harness. Asked the question. Told the customer no we don't have them. And then tried to focus on the customer with the dog harness. 


I ended up passing that customer off to my manager because the dog's whining was getting on my nerves and he'd been helping her earlier when she'd first come in to buy the harness. 

But yah.
Not a fun early morning experience.
It left me feeling frazzled. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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