Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Spur of the Moment

Had a customer who 'spur of the moment' decided that she wanted to get a betta for her fish tank as I was bagging up a pleco for the same tank.

I wouldn't have thought much of it.
But I'd noticed that she'd grabbed a fish from our overstock shelf.
Meaning that there weren't prices visible there because what we have overstocked from the other shelf holding all the bettas changes by the week.

So I told her. "That's a $15 betta." 
Because often people decide to 'spur of the moment' things when they think something is cheaper. 

Her eyes went really wide. ()_() And she quickly put the betta back wanting to know why it was so pricey.
So I directed her to other bettas that didn't cost as much.

-As they type of betta and the fins/tail/scales it has influences how much it's going to be.

She couldn't really see the difference when I was trying to explain.
But ended up buying a different $4 betta instead.

Hopefully he does well in the tank for her. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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