Thursday, October 31, 2019

Already Fighting

I ended up having to isolate a couple of our mice this morning after they came into the store -as we got a new shipment of them delivered in today.

But unfortunately, as it does happen between the mice--at least the male mice, idk about the females as I never get them in....
The male mice will sometimes decide that they don't like their buddies that are in the cage with them.
And will begin fighting.

It doesn't always happen.
But recently it feels like it does. 


I could hear them squeaking as soon as the guy brought the boxes in the store.

But I'd hoped that they would mellow out.

However, after checking on them once the delivery guy left...

I noticed that there was blood on the base of the tail of one and saw another mouse attacking the injured one.

So to isolation it went, being placed in a separate cage where we could monitor it and make sure that the wounds would heal.

Only as I was checking in on the remaining two....
I noticed that a second one too was also showing signs of blood and wounds.


So instead of having one cage of three mice.
I now have three cages with one mouse in each of them. 

And two of them won't be able to come out onto the floor until their little wounds are healed.

Thankfully our isolation room is rather empty at the moment.
So it wasn't that big of a deal to isolate them.

I only hope that they heal quickly....and that we sell through the mice a little quicker than normal because mice don't always sell that well here in my store.
So it could be a while before I'm able to bring them out to sell as I can only bring them out to the floor to sell to customers if the mice already on the floor get sold.

So yah. That's gonna be fun.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Counting Ever Counting

It was another teaching moment for my new manager today. 
As it was time for us to do our animal count.
Where we count all the animals in the store that aren't the fish we counted earlier in the week.

Though apparently my old manager -who's switched to a different manager position- hadn't known that we'd picked my new manager to be my new manager?
*shakes head*

They really need to work on their communication lines with each other. 

In any case.
My old manager was nearly going to start the animal count because they were unaware that the new manager had already been chosen. 

So I had to stop them from doing the count so that I would be able to teach my new manager how to do it when they came in for their shift a little later in the day.

In many ways I think it went a little better than the fish count did.
Lol mostly because it's easier to count cages where there's only like one hamster or two lizards in them than fish tanks that have like twenty fish moving all over the place. XD lol. 

Though unsurprisingly, my new manager did struggle with counting one particular creature.

The crickets.

Which considering we can have anywhere from none up to like 4 or 5 thousand of them....

Isn't surprising.

They're not easy to count.

Though I did try to show my manager my way of counting them.
Where I would take guesstimate a group of about ten crickets. And then just go around counting by tens in the cricket container until I had covered the entire area.

My manager didn't catch on quite as well.
As I'd done a quick count and gotten like 600 crickets.

And somehow they'd ended up with like...4,000. O.o 

Still not sure how they got that number beyond counting the entire container like six times. 
Or maybe they switched to counting each indivdiual cricket as a 'ten' instead?

No idea.

But that was the only slight hiccup in the counting department today.

Otherwise I think they did rather well for their first time. 

Though it will probably still take them some time to get the hang of it. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Counted Twice

I had a customer come into the store wanting sixty goldfish.
Which isn't that big of a deal for me to catch.
But apparently I can catch the fish a lot faster than my coworkers.
Not really surprising considering I've been working here for like 7 years while most of my associates have been here under a year lol.
But it does feel nice to be validated with my skills every now and then. ^^;;

In any case.
I managed to catch the 60 goldfish quickly--more quickly than my coworkers, apparently the customer has had to wait 45 minutes before to get all their fish caught. O.o?? Not sure why it would take so long...but yikes. 

In any case...
because the customer was talking to me at the same time I was counting.
I wasn't sure I had gotten the right number.
So as I poured the fish into the bag...I counted them again.

And was like "oh, I'm two short, hold on." And grabbed two more for the customer so they wouldn't be paying for fish they didn't have.

And the customer was like ()_() you just counted them again?! You counted so quickly!! You must be good at math!!

^^;; Yes? And No. I like math in a sense.
Hated Calculus...specifically the tests because I kept failing those but without the tests and such, I do like working with numbers. Figuring out problems and such. Though most problems I solve are sudoku based or counting things at the store. ^^;; lol

But yah. Nice to have people be impressed with my skills. ^^;; 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 28, 2019

Teaching Again

So, I have a new manager.

As my previous manager decided to step down and switch to a different position in the store. 

Which means...
With the new manager knowing very little about how my department runs.

I'm once again put back in the position of playing teacher to my manager lol.

Basically showing them how the department works and how to do the counts and such.

Today was our fish count day.
Which meant teaching my manager how to count the fish.

Which I thought was a rather simple process.

Scan the fish tag, count the fish, add or subtract the difference in the scanner, move onto the next tank.

But then again.
I've been counting the fish for like...the past 7 years. 

So maybe I had a similar struggle when I first started.

Though I feel like I didn't struggle that much...

But teaching my new manager?

Yah...I'm thinking it will take at least two or three more times before the manager gets it....

Hopefully they get it quicker than the other manager did, as I feel like it took them a while to catch on.

*shakes head*

Time will tell.
But yah.
I thought it could be like a quick five to fifteen minute teaching moment.
But no, I spent like forty minutes or so repeating myself again and again and again as the manager was having some slight issues remembering which buttons to hit in which order. 

Hopefully they were able to manage after I left for the day....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Circle of Life

It's always interesting what ends up surprising customers when it comes to animal care. 

Today I had a father come into the store with his son to get crickets.
Only his son had wandered away.
So when I asked the Father what size of crickets he needed....he had no idea.

*shakes head*
I do wonder what people are thinking when they come into the store for crickets but then don't know anything beyond that they need crickets. They don't know size. Don't know number. If I ask them if they want small or large they inevitably answer 'medium' which I don't carry. 

It's like they come in expecting us to already know what they need and have it ready for them.

In any case.

He had to go find his son.
Who wasn't certain either what size of crickets he needed for his lizard either.

A few more questions and we decided that they probably wanted small crickets.

And a couple more questions established that the boy wanted like 20 of them. 

After I bagged them up.
The boy asked. "How long will these live?" 
And I was like "Probably a week, depends on how well you feed them."

And the dad was like: "You have to feed the crickets to feed to the lizard?! That's crazy!"

O.o it's like....the circle of life?
Crickets are living creatures that need to eat to

It's just like a rabbit eating plants and then a hawk eating the rabbit.

Food is fed to the crickets which then the crickets are fed to the lizard.

Honestly though, that's not the first time I've had customers be surprised that the crickets have to be fed too to help them survive longer.

For whatever doesn't compute when it comes to the bugs. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bye Bye Jello

So we've had this sweet kitty named Jello in our store for a couple of months now.

As he apparently got adopted out...but then was returned...and then just sat there as all the other kitties around him were adopted out left and right.

Which was sad. Because like I said he's sweet.
He loves to play with his fuzzy balls, and to just climb right up onto your lap and lay there.

I honestly enjoyed spending some time with him each morning just stroking him and scratching his ears after I finished cleaning out his cage.

But still.
Everyone in the store was rooting for him to find a forever home.
Because again, he's so sweet.

And today.
Today he finally got adopted!

Everyone in the store was so excited for this bit of news.

And we kept repeating it to each other throughout the rest of my shift whenever something else happened. -usually when something less good happened.

"Jello Got Adopted." 

Yay kitty!
I hope this home is one that you enjoy. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Had a customer come into the store today looking for a dog cone for her dog.

Which was simple enough to point out. 
Though like most customers they don't 'see' the dog cones the first time around as they don't expect them to be where they're at so you have to reshow them where the cones are again.

But in any case.

The customer had a...unique concern with the dog cone.

In that she wanted to make sure the dog could go into their dog igloo with the cone on.

Which is...not one I've heard before.

But apparently the dog is quite energetic and just likes to dart into things. Bolt right in full hearted and such.

So we ended up going to the dog igloo of the size she wanted in the store.
And folding the cone up to the largest and smallest sizes we figured out that the dog would have plenty of space to come in and out.

So she decided to go with the cone.
But also.

She wanted the dogloo too.

Which I was surprised by as I was under the impression she already had one.
Apparently she didn't.

So I had the 'fun' task of trying to get the giant thing onto a cart by myself because it was just me and the manager in the store at that moment and the manager was on register ringing up other customers. 

So yah.
Fun times. So much fun times.

And I went basically from helping that customer with a cone issue....

To another customer who also was looking for a cone for her doggie.

Because he had stitches in his foot and needed a cone around his head to prevent him from pulling out the stitches for two weeks while it healed.

Only...they had gone through 3 cones in three days.


The dog had managed to snap them/break them basically destroy them.

By apparently running into things and just breaking them.

And the customer was looking for a different method as they didn't want to keep buying cones.

I ended up pointing her to our fabric cones that are a bit more durable because they're more flexible.
but they're like twice as expensive as the plastic versions.

So she was looking for something...that cost less.

So I went over to our vet to get their opinion on if there was any other method.

There wasn't.
Fabric cone was what they recommended as well. 

The customer ended up reluctantly buying the cone.

But I told her that if it didn't work we did have a return policy.
Which helped her feel better about the cost.

*fingers crossed* that it works for her puppy dog. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


A customer came into the store today with a gem faire bag over their shoulder. 
Which, meant that the customer had been to the gem faire, if not this one, a recent one. 

And since I enjoy going to the gem faire myself, I struck up a conversation to see if they'd bought anything and what kind of stones they'd gotten. 

The conversation ended up shifting to guinea pigs as the customer was interested in possibly getting one but wanted to know the difference between the males and females in personality. If one was better than the other.

Honestly. I have no idea.
As I haven't dealt with female guinea pigs at all since my store only carries the males.
But judging by experience from other animals usually the males tend to be more mellow compared to to the females. 

The customer left without buying anything, but it was fun to chat with them for a bit.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 21, 2019


Had a customer call the store today wanting to know if we carried 100 gallon tanks.
Which we don't have that specific size.
We carry a 120, 125 and 150 gallon tank though we didn't have the 125 in stock so I didn't mention that one to the customer. 

So the customer wanted to know the prices of the tanks we did have in stock,
But barely waited for me to answer before they were asking a ton other questions.

Which was...rather hard to follow because the customer had an accent that got more and more difficult to understand because they were speaking so fast like whole paragraphs in one breath fast and the words were jumbling together to the point where I could only comprehend a few words here and there. 


Apparently the customer thought that we would deliver the large tank to their home and we would install it for them.
But we've never done that and don't do that. 
And the customer was shocked, because "how will we install it then?!" 
Which it's not....that hard?

You pick a spot to place the tank.
Fill it up with water. 
Plug in a filter, lights, heater, air pumps and whatever else needs to be plugged in.
And walla!
Working tank! 

*shakes head*

I'm not sure I answered all the customers questions.
But I tried.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, October 19, 2019

On the Floor

We nearly had a leopard gecko get eaten by a dog today.

As apparently it had gotten loose at some point.
Though I have no idea for how long it has been loose.
As I knew it wasn't today because I hadn't yet gotten to opening the reptiles up today (aka feeding, misting, and giving them water) so I knew it wasn't an error on my part. 

Though who knows if the leopard gecko had gotten loose last night or if it's been longer than that.

In any case.

I happened to be standing nearby the reptiles when a bunch of customers suddenly were like "Ah! It's moving! It's a lizard!" And I turn from the reptile cages to the display of halloween stuff behind me and there on the floor was the leopard gecko with a black dog being pulled away from it.

I quickly swooped in for the rescue and grabbed the Leopard Gecko and put him back in his cage.

Still not sure how he got out.
But at least we got him back in his cage. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 17, 2019


There was a little boy wandering around the store today.
Apparently unaccompanied by any adult as he stated multiple times that his Dad was over at the local hardware store...which is like two stores away.

And the kid wandered around the store for like an hour.
Asking tons of questions.
Wanting to hold everything.
And basically halfway getting on my nerves by constantly interrupting me and pulling me away from cleaning the bird cages.

And it was stressing me out because I had limited time to get the cages cleaned and guess what was happening?

Not cleaning.

Because the boy kept interrupting me.

Yah. My patience definitely wore thin with him and I'm grateful that he eventually left the store.

I don't know if he went back to his Dad or if his Dad finally came to the store. But at least he was out of my hair.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Scan it?

We had a customer come into the store today to return a heated pet bed that wasn't the right size for their animal.
Only they didn't have the receipt.
But the customer knew that we could look it up.
Which, since I was on register.
I went ahead and tried to do that.

Only it wasn't showing up. 

I looked at like the last six receipts the customer had listed in our system from our store and our sister store.
And none of them showed the product that the customer was wanting to return.

But the customer insisted that they had bought the product from us and not from our competitor.

So I ended up calling a manager up to the front.
As the customer was like "This purchase here, I didn't buy this thing and it's the same price as the product I'm trying to return, maybe this was scanned by mistake." 

In any case.
We couldn't find the receipt. 

And at one point the customer was like "Can't you just scan the barcode of the product and that will tell you when I last bought it?" 

Like great idea. But our computers aren't that sophisticated. We can look up receipts that's it. We can't look up your purchases via scanning the product.
Like that seems....infeasible especially if the computers have to keep records of EVERY CUSTOMER purchase ever.
Because like the company has like thousands of locations. 
To be able to keep track of each product bought by each customer and being able to point out the customer that bought the product....seems rather....well invasive of privacy for one, but also totally complicated. Can you imagine the amount of memory storage that would take?

*shakes head*
So no...I think we're just gonna stick with looking up receipts. 

In any case.
Since the customer was buying other things as well, we just basically exchanged it out and the difference in price was paid. (if there was one because I stepped away to help a different customer so didn't see the end result of the transaction) 

But yay for complicated customers. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Dance Dance

So there's this guy that comes into work every now and then.
Apparently once a week actually.

But he loves to interact with the snakes.

My only interaction with him as been him requesting to hold one of the snakes and watch him as he baby talked it and kissed it again and again.

Though I've had coworkers tell me that he's told them how the snakes are feeling and what they want (to be free and wild) and such.

I found out a new tidbit about this snake guy today.

Apparently when he comes into the store he doesn't just come to look at the snakes.
No he actually plays music for them too.

Like pulls out his phone puts on a song and plays it for the snakes while kinda dancing along to the song. 

*shakes head*

Apparently he does this every week.

But I guess I haven't been in the right spot to witness this portion of the snake guy's visit before.

Because even though I heard a customer playing loud music...I didn't associate it with anything beyond annoyance at those people who feel they need to have a soundtrack of their lives going everywhere for everyone to hear. 

But no.
It was the snake guy playing music for the snakes.

*shakes head* 
Well okay then.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tank Buddy

I ran into my tank buddy today.

The guy who bought the 125 gallon tank like six months before I bought my own...or it was around the same time. Not sure.
But he bought the 125 and all the decorations that I had placed within it -as at that point in time three years ago we could decorate the tanks however we wanted and I had a lot of fun creating themes and such for the tanks. 
This particular theme was a coral theme.

And the customer had come in later to get fish for all his grandkids. He let them each pick out the one they wanted and has kept those same ones in the tank despite there being room to add a bunch more lol.

In any case.
He's been in multiple times apparently.
But after that first little bit of helping him set up his tank, I don't really see him that often.
Like maybe once a yearish?

The last time he'd come into the store was right after my mom passed away.
So yah. Been nearly a year. 

In any case.
He'd come into the store to get some more food for the fish. 
And we ended up chatting for a bit.

And it was just...really great to see him and catch up with my tank buddy. ^^;;

He told me that I'm practically considered part of the family because the tank is such an intergrel part of their household especially since the grandkids love coming in to the house to find their fish lol. 

^^;; It was nice to visit for a bit.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Need Some Help?

I came upon a customer trying to bag their own crickets today.
It happens on occasion.

A customer comes into the store, doesn't see the crickets they need nor an employee to help them and so therefore decides to help themselves.

I ended up coming around the corner to see the customer's head in the cricket bin as they were trying to gather up crickets that they needed and I was like "Can I help you?" 

"We're just getting crickets."

Cool. But that's My job.

So I took over bagging the crickets for them. 

Probably got it done a lot faster than they would have lol.

But yah.
It doesn't happen often.
But still happens.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Brush The Dog

Had a customer call the store today asking if we would have any recommendations on shampoo for their dog. 
As apparently their puppy dog has been having issues with Dandruff but also issues with Shedding and apparently him smelling really bad too. 

Normally dandruff or like dry/itchy skin can be caused from bathing the dog too much.
So I asked how often the customer was giving their dog a bath.
To which they replied that they were doing it twice a month.

Which I thought was too much, but the customer was like "but the dog smells!" 

To which I had to agree that twice a month wasn't bad.

I ended up putting the customer on hold so I could go check in with the groomers.

To which they recommended getting like a medicated shampoo with tea tree oil to help with the dandruff or else oatmeal based shampoos.

But then the customer after being told this was like "But what about the shedding?" 
As apparently they've been dealing with baseball sized amounts of fur coming off their dog. 

....Which is a lot of fur....
But at the same time...with the switching of the seasons it's common for dogs to shed more because they're switching out their coats to better adapt to the weather. 

So I asked the customer how often they're brushing their dog.
As brushing can help reduce shedding since the bristles will catch any loose fur and such. 

To which the customer was like "You have to brush dogs?"


Yes. Combing your dog, especially if it's shedding will help decrease the amount of fur on the dog.

It can also prevent mats and tangling.
Because like...if you're bathing the dog and letting it air dry....I do wonder if that might be part of the odor problem because the dog isn't being properly brushed out and/or dried after a bath....
There could be issues there. 

In any case, the customer decided that they would come in to look at the shampoos and the brushes as they're tired of the fur everywhere...

Hopefully they found what they needed.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Right Size

Had an older customer come into the store looking for a specific type of dog bed.
Basically an orthopedic mattress.
Which we have plenty of....
Only the customer was looking for a very tiny one.

Which I feel like we carried at one point.
But upon searching our shelves.
I couldn't see anything smaller than like a 22X28 
And the guy was looking for a size smaller than that. Like a 22x18ish size.

And he was getting frustrated because apparently he had called the store last night and whoever he had talked to on the phone had told him that we had plenty of that smaller size in stock.

....Honestly I wonder if this coworker just mistook the 22x28 for the 22x18ish size the customer was looking for. 

I showed him other similar beds.
But they weren't as thick as he needed or the size he needed or the firmness he needed.

I even ended up leaving him at one point so he could think over the similar ones I had found for him---after I had called other sister stores to see if they had this supposed smaller size in stock.

As it turns out the customer was replacing an old bed that he'd gotten a while ago from us....
But like many things...products change overtime and some stay around for forever....and others get discontinued.

Methinks this mini bed got discontinued.

In any case.

When I checked back in with the customer he had found a folding dog crate mat that full length was like 26 inches long.
But folded in half was the exact size he needed.

So after dithering for a bit more (like I spent a good thirty minutes trying to help this guy) 
He decided to go buy the folding crate mat, especially after I reassured him that if it didn't work he could bring it right back to the store.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


So one of my managers was watching the register while a coworker was on break.....when suddenly over the radio they were like "Oh no! So&So take over for me! I can't deal with this customer today!" 
And then they darted out of sight and vanished as one of our regular customers walked into the store. 

Which I recognized this customer.
I've dealt with them before.
Usually because they like to buy a certain brand of dog food for a certain breed of dog.
And get upset when the bags aren't in stock that they need.

So on occasion this customer has been difficult as they've sent me hunting all over the store before looking for specific food and such.

But I didn't know that there was a bigger issue.
Which I'm not certain if the issue this manager has with the customer is similar to the one listed above, or if it's something else entirely.

All I know is that the manager wanted nothing to do with this particular customer today.

Which makes sense because the manager wasn't feeling the best.

But from what I could was a pretty normal transaction with the customer that the manager who stepped up to cover had with them.

Sooo *shrugs*

Good to know that even my managers have certain customers they don't like dealing with. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Same Old Sale

Once again.
We have the same stupid fish sale in the store.
I say stupid.
Because it's been the same fish on sale for A YEAR NOW.

Like seriously.
I don't know what happened to the guy in charge of creating sales.
But they've severely slacked off when it comes to 'good' fish sales in the store.
Like after A YEAR you think that they would switch it up and put some different fish on sale.

But noooooooo.

Once again.
It's same old same old. *exhales*

Which is frustrating.
Because like, I want to buy fish on sale.
And the fish that are always on sale are ones I can't have in my tank. XP Bleh.

In any case.
I actually was ahead enough in opening that I joined in in putting up the 'new' sale prices as our previous sale ended the day before.

Honestly, some months i wonder why they even bothered.
LIke they should have just said that the sale extends until December at this point.
because we keep taking down and putting up the exact same product sales. 
The only difference is sometimes the price but mostly it's just the 'expiration' date on the sale. 


So tired of this.
Wish they would do something different. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Moving About

So towards the end of September, we ended up getting in a couple of new fish. 
Which meant that a new planner for the fish wall had to be dropping or already dropped.
Because a couple of times a year, usually with the changing of the seasons we stop carrying some fish and start carrying others. 
Well...upon looking up the planner online it was discovered....that the new fish who had come in....weren't on that planner for the fish wall. :S 

And after a closer examination....We had a good dozen or so fish missing from the planner.
Which usually means we won't be carrying them any more since they're no longer listed.
But like half of them were cichlids. 
Which was weird. we've had the same cichlids for forever. 

So I decided to wait to move fish around.
Just to make sure that this planner was the official one.

Which today I finally got a hold of the physical copy of the fish planner as it arrived in the store....

And it was the exact same one as online.

Which meant the two new fish we got in....still don't have official spots.

But since it was a slower Saturday, I went ahead and moved the fish around to their new spots.
As for the first time in a good two or three years, there was actually quite a bit of moving around to do.

Most of the time it's mostly just moving koi tanks back and forth as we get in more koi for the summer and less koi for the winter so the goldfish/koi section is adjusted as necessary.

But this time around, they're going to be giving us more guppies apparently. 
Which is interesting to have like four new varieties coming into the store.
Because those fish die so quickly.....they're like one of our higher losses. 
*shakes head*

Ah well.

At least I was able to entertain myself and move the fish to their new proper locations. :D yay me. ^^;; 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Window Clings

So our grooming salon has windows right?
To both the outside of the store and the inside of the store.

Basically we call their area the 'fish bowl' because people can just look in through the windows and watch the groomers do their job. 

Though a couple of years ago they put thicker coverings on the outdoor windows so people outside couldn't look in.
But the windows inside the store? Yah you could still see the groomers clear as day in there. 

Though this past couple of weeks I've noticed that we had a row of bins filled with dog beds sitting in front of those grooming windows. 

Which I figured we were just trying to sell the beds.
And didn't think much more on it, beyond the fact that some of the beds were piled high enough it was hard to see into the grooming salon and it definitely made it difficult for customers to stand there.

But today.

Those bins filled with beds vanished.


We had a couple of workers come into the store to install some new window clings on those windows.

Which the clings were basically the look of a bubble bath.

With the white shade thick enough at the bottom to block the sight of the groomers...but still thin enough that you can see the shadows of the groomers inside. 

Plus the handy dandy spaced bubbles means that customers can still look through those bubbles inside the grooming salon, but the puppy dogs can't see out. 

Which makes sense as the manager stated that it's safer for the groomers and the dogs if the dogs can't see their owners lurking nearby.

But one of the groomers was also excited for the window clings because apparently they would often have kids come up to the windows and tap on the glass to get the dog to look at them. 

And that could pose risks to both dog and groomer if the dog moves at the wrong time. 

So the window clings are to discourage tapping on the glass, but as well as to keep the dogs from seeing their owners and such.

It's going to be an interesting thing to get used to for sure.

But the groomers are rather happy about them I think. One less stress for them to worry about. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Had a customer come in the store today, interested in purchasing a tortoise to keep as a pet.
Because a while back they had a Sulcata Tortoise that started out as an itty bitty baby tortoise that could be placed in a pocket....and grew so large that you couldn't lift it up. 

So they eventually had to rehome that tortoise to a better enviroment as the customer was getting older and couldn't lift things that heavy.

But they loved having a tortoise and our Testudo Tortoises don't get nearly as big.

So despite their misgivings on spending $$$ on the tank and such. 

They purchased everything they would need to get a tortoise and picked out the one they wanted. 

Hopefully they enjoy their new little one. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

To Touch?

It's interesting how little kids react to animals.

I had a little girl like three or four years old with her parents.
And they wanted to look at the hamsters/guinea pigs. 

Because their daughter was looking at them and they wanted her to pet it.

And the child seemed interested in petting them....

Until I opened the cage and first pulled out a guinea pig.
And she darted behind her mom so fast. 

It took both her parents petting the guinea pig to convince her to come forward to pet the guinea pig herself.

She didn't quite like that though.
Was more interested int he hamsters.

So I pulled out a Syrian Hamster. 

And she was still skittish about wanting to pet the hamster, would flinch away every time it moved. 
But she kept trying to pet it at least.

And finally decided that she didn't like it much and went and hid back behind her Mom. 

Not all little kids like playing with the small pets up close.
But at least she was brave and tried it. 

-Sarnic Dirchi