Tuesday, October 8, 2019


So one of my managers was watching the register while a coworker was on break.....when suddenly over the radio they were like "Oh no! So&So take over for me! I can't deal with this customer today!" 
And then they darted out of sight and vanished as one of our regular customers walked into the store. 

Which I recognized this customer.
I've dealt with them before.
Usually because they like to buy a certain brand of dog food for a certain breed of dog.
And get upset when the bags aren't in stock that they need.

So on occasion this customer has been difficult as they've sent me hunting all over the store before looking for specific food and such.

But I didn't know that there was a bigger issue.
Which I'm not certain if the issue this manager has with the customer is similar to the one listed above, or if it's something else entirely.

All I know is that the manager wanted nothing to do with this particular customer today.

Which makes sense because the manager wasn't feeling the best.

But from what I could tell...it was a pretty normal transaction with the customer that the manager who stepped up to cover had with them.

Sooo *shrugs*

Good to know that even my managers have certain customers they don't like dealing with. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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