Monday, October 7, 2019

The Same Old Sale

Once again.
We have the same stupid fish sale in the store.
I say stupid.
Because it's been the same fish on sale for A YEAR NOW.

Like seriously.
I don't know what happened to the guy in charge of creating sales.
But they've severely slacked off when it comes to 'good' fish sales in the store.
Like after A YEAR you think that they would switch it up and put some different fish on sale.

But noooooooo.

Once again.
It's same old same old. *exhales*

Which is frustrating.
Because like, I want to buy fish on sale.
And the fish that are always on sale are ones I can't have in my tank. XP Bleh.

In any case.
I actually was ahead enough in opening that I joined in in putting up the 'new' sale prices as our previous sale ended the day before.

Honestly, some months i wonder why they even bothered.
LIke they should have just said that the sale extends until December at this point.
because we keep taking down and putting up the exact same product sales. 
The only difference is sometimes the price but mostly it's just the 'expiration' date on the sale. 


So tired of this.
Wish they would do something different. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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