Monday, October 28, 2019

Teaching Again

So, I have a new manager.

As my previous manager decided to step down and switch to a different position in the store. 

Which means...
With the new manager knowing very little about how my department runs.

I'm once again put back in the position of playing teacher to my manager lol.

Basically showing them how the department works and how to do the counts and such.

Today was our fish count day.
Which meant teaching my manager how to count the fish.

Which I thought was a rather simple process.

Scan the fish tag, count the fish, add or subtract the difference in the scanner, move onto the next tank.

But then again.
I've been counting the fish for like...the past 7 years. 

So maybe I had a similar struggle when I first started.

Though I feel like I didn't struggle that much...

But teaching my new manager?

Yah...I'm thinking it will take at least two or three more times before the manager gets it....

Hopefully they get it quicker than the other manager did, as I feel like it took them a while to catch on.

*shakes head*

Time will tell.
But yah.
I thought it could be like a quick five to fifteen minute teaching moment.
But no, I spent like forty minutes or so repeating myself again and again and again as the manager was having some slight issues remembering which buttons to hit in which order. 

Hopefully they were able to manage after I left for the day....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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