Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Counting Ever Counting

It was another teaching moment for my new manager today. 
As it was time for us to do our animal count.
Where we count all the animals in the store that aren't the fish we counted earlier in the week.

Though apparently my old manager -who's switched to a different manager position- hadn't known that we'd picked my new manager to be my new manager?
*shakes head*

They really need to work on their communication lines with each other. 

In any case.
My old manager was nearly going to start the animal count because they were unaware that the new manager had already been chosen. 

So I had to stop them from doing the count so that I would be able to teach my new manager how to do it when they came in for their shift a little later in the day.

In many ways I think it went a little better than the fish count did.
Lol mostly because it's easier to count cages where there's only like one hamster or two lizards in them than fish tanks that have like twenty fish moving all over the place. XD lol. 

Though unsurprisingly, my new manager did struggle with counting one particular creature.

The crickets.

Which considering we can have anywhere from none up to like 4 or 5 thousand of them....

Isn't surprising.

They're not easy to count.

Though I did try to show my manager my way of counting them.
Where I would take guesstimate a group of about ten crickets. And then just go around counting by tens in the cricket container until I had covered the entire area.

My manager didn't catch on quite as well.
As I'd done a quick count and gotten like 600 crickets.

And somehow they'd ended up with like...4,000. O.o 

Still not sure how they got that number beyond counting the entire container like six times. 
Or maybe they switched to counting each indivdiual cricket as a 'ten' instead?

No idea.

But that was the only slight hiccup in the counting department today.

Otherwise I think they did rather well for their first time. 

Though it will probably still take them some time to get the hang of it. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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