Monday, October 14, 2019

Tank Buddy

I ran into my tank buddy today.

The guy who bought the 125 gallon tank like six months before I bought my own...or it was around the same time. Not sure.
But he bought the 125 and all the decorations that I had placed within it -as at that point in time three years ago we could decorate the tanks however we wanted and I had a lot of fun creating themes and such for the tanks. 
This particular theme was a coral theme.

And the customer had come in later to get fish for all his grandkids. He let them each pick out the one they wanted and has kept those same ones in the tank despite there being room to add a bunch more lol.

In any case.
He's been in multiple times apparently.
But after that first little bit of helping him set up his tank, I don't really see him that often.
Like maybe once a yearish?

The last time he'd come into the store was right after my mom passed away.
So yah. Been nearly a year. 

In any case.
He'd come into the store to get some more food for the fish. 
And we ended up chatting for a bit.

And it was just...really great to see him and catch up with my tank buddy. ^^;;

He told me that I'm practically considered part of the family because the tank is such an intergrel part of their household especially since the grandkids love coming in to the house to find their fish lol. 

^^;; It was nice to visit for a bit.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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