Monday, January 27, 2020

A Lump

So we've had a chinchilla in the back for a little bit now.
That had to be isolated for a while and put on medications because one of his eyes was getting all goopy and the skin around the eye was getting all red and irritated.

But today he was finally deemed healthy enough to return to the floor to be sold! Woot!

Which is great news because the chinchillas require bigger cages than everyone else who could potentially need isolation.
And bigger cages take up more space.

So I was excited to also finally be taking down this larger cage and open up space for other smaller cages if they were needed.


After I placed the Chinchilla back on the floor with his buddies....
and a little bit later I happened to notice that one of the other chinchillas....wasn't looking quite right.

In that his neck area seemed lumpier than normal.

Which...haven't never seen a chinchilla stuff their cheeks...I wasn't sure if that was a thing they actually did. Since I've never seen them with chubby cheeks...I doubted the potential odd shape to the neck was food.
But since one of the chinchillas was being reintroduced, it could have just been fluffed up fur from interacting with each other.

To be on the safe side I opened up the cage and grabbed the chinchilla out to check him and see for sure what this odd looking area was.

And discovered a large lump on the chinchilla's neck. :S 

That's not good.

Thankfully, I we already had a vet visit scheduled for a couple other animals who needed to be seen, and I just barely caught my manager before they left for the vet so that I could add the Chinchilla into the group going to be seen.

From what I hear the lump just needs to be drained so yay! Simple thing. Then he'll probably be put on medications for a week or two to make sure that a) the lump doesn't reform b) no infections occur and c) healing happens. 

Which means....that I have to keep the big cage set up.
Though I did make sure to clean it out first so the new chinchilla has a nice cozy place to stay.

Still...would have liked to have that cage taken down... *exhales* 
It will happen eventually. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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