Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Parakeet Time

I got called over to help grab a couple of birds for some customers because my coworker standing nearby was trying to get the bedding change for the small pets done before they were off.

Which I get the feeling. As I've done the same thing too.
Though usually I just break away from my task and help the customer.

In any case. The customers wanted a boy and girl parakeet.

-...Which I'm always curious why people insist they get a boy and a girl. Like doing so can increase the chances of having eggs hatch and such once these babies are mature.
But like the parakeets we get into the store are only 3-4 months old.
So I'm pretty sure that if you just pick your two favorite looking birds.
They'll be best buddies and won't care what gender their companion is so long as they have a friend with them.

In any case.
These customers wanted a boy and a girl.
So after a bit of looking -as the birds aren't always old enough to be able to easily tell- I managed to catch the two birds that the customer wanted. 

And after placing them in the box, took them to the register.

But as I was telling the customers where to get their birds.
Another family came up with a young girl also wanting to get a bird.

She too wanted to know what the gender was. Though it made sense in her situation as she just wanted to know so she could pick a good name that fit the bird.
Unfortunately the one she picked was still too young to tell for sure, though I was guessing it was a boy, possibly by the faintest hints of blue on the nose. 

The little girl though was less enthusiastic about me clipping her bird's wings.
But if she wanted to tame it down--which she did--the best way to do that is to keep the bird from being able to fly as well.

So after I clipped the bird's wings. I take it up to the register.
With good timing because the previous customers were just walking out of the store with their two birds so there was less chance of there being a mixup at the register.

And my manager who was standing nearby was like "Those people want another bird." 
And I turned around confused because there weren't any other people in the area. 

Only for the manager to be like "I'm kidding, they don't want another bird." 


Like ten minutes later. 
Guess what happened?

Yep. That customer (the mother of the little girl) came up to me saying that they'd changed their mind and they wanted another bird.

So I ended up catching like 4 birds in a row. *shakes head*

The manager was like O_o huh...even when I'm teasing I'm right. I didn't realize I could predict the future.

*shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi  

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