Saturday, January 18, 2020


So my manager had me call a customer today.

Because we'd received notification from...I think it was corporate? That someone who had shopped at our store and bought a pet here...had taken to Twitter to ask the company's twitter account a question in regards to their pet.

As they'd bought it a little over a month ago. 
And had thought that they knew what they were doing --as they've had this same pet before--but they realized that the animal they purchased wasn't doing well and wanted to return it.

But they were aware that it was over the time frame for them to officially be able to return the pet as we have like a two week guarantee where we'll accept animal returns.

And it's been over a month.

Normally we don't do animal returns after so long.
But we do make exceptions.

Especially when the customer didn't call the store directly to ask their question and went to's the confusing part.
Why not just call our store? 
Did they call and we said no? So then they took to twitter?
Or did they just, for whatever reason....not think about just contacting my location directly? 

In any case.

The manager showed me the email in regards to this customer and their situation.
And wanted me to call them to tell the customer that we would accept the animal back even though it's over our return policy. 

I have no idea why my manager didn't want to talk to the customer themselves. 
But whatever.

I called the customer with the simple directive to tell them that they could bring the animal back to us at their convenience and we would accept their return. 

Of course.
It couldn't be that simple.


Because upon answering the phone the customer explained to me....that yesterday their spouse had come downstairs to discover....that the pet had passed away.

>_< *exhales* 

Which complicates the situation because it's easy to return a live pet to us because then we can resell it. 
But a dead one?
Not so much.

Still. I'd been directed to tell the customer that they could bring the pet back to us.
So that's what I told them.

Another problem.

They'd thrown the pet away.
After all it was dead.
They weren't going to keep it around. 

And like...I do have to have a body as proof of death because customers could come in all day long claiming they lost their pet and for all we know, without the body there, the animal could be alive and well.
So like...we need to have the animal physically returned to us. 

So the customer told me that they would go see if they could go find the body of the pet in the trash.

And that was the last I heard of it.

I updated the manager on what had occurred. 

And we'll see if the customers a) find the body and b) return it to us.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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