Saturday, January 4, 2020

A New Companion

I helped a customer today, who wanted to get some goldfish for her elderly mother. 

Because they had recently put down her dog, and the daughter felt like her mother could use another companion in the house.
And she felt that having a tank in the kitchen that her mother could interact with and watch would be the perfect thing for her.

Me....I'm not so sure.
Like fish are fun to have.

But at the same time....idk if I would want to go from cuddly dog to tank of fish.
Honestly another furry creature would probably be a better fit.

In any case.
The customer was deadset on getting the tank and the fish all today.
Confident that she would be able to do it all without the fish dying...because she herself had goldfish and they'd lived like a whole 7 years with no issue. 

So, I backed off, and let the customer pick out a couple of fish for the tank.

Hopefully they live.

And hopefully the mother enjoys her new gift.

Who knows. It may be the perfect fit despite my thoughts about it.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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