Monday, January 6, 2020

Do You Want More?

So I came across a customer standing by the guinea pigs, looking at them.
So as per my job, I asked them if they needed any help.
The customer was like "No, not with guinea pigs, but I do need crickets."

Which those were easy enough to grab since I'd just barely finished bagging a bunch of them like thirty minutes before. 

Though usually customers come over to the cricket podium when they're asking for crickets. This particular customer got sidetracked apparently.

Or...they haven't been in the store recently.

In any case I was like "Okay what size?"

To which they responded "Large."

"And how many?" I asked because I can't really grab them crickets unless I know how many of them I need to grab. 

And the customer gave me this blank look. 
Like they'd never even considered that crickets could come in different amounts.
And they obviously weren't sure how many they would actually need.
Because it was a good ten seconds of wide eyed silence before the customer was like "12?" 

Which thankfully I'd bagged up 12 large crickets.
So it was easy enough to grab them off the podium and then give them to the customer. And I was like "Okay anything else I can help you with."

And the customer was like "How much are they?"

To which I answered "15 cents each." 

The answer had them hesitating...wondering if they should get more crickets than the 12. 

But they were taking forever to decide on yes or no.
So I said that I was going to take a phone call real quick and check in on them.

A few minutes later I did just that.

And the customer after a bit more dithering decided that no they didn't want more crickets.

Which I was fine with.
It's not like I was waiting anxiously to bag some more. 

And so I left them to do some other tasks.....

Only to have the cashier call me over the radio and ask me to bag 12 more crickets.

Because apparently the customer didn't realize that 12 crickets was like...$2 and they didn't want to spend so little at the register and so requested 12 more.


It was kinda irritating really. As I checked with them at least three times on if they wanted more crickets and they told me time and time again that no they didn't.....and then to have them decide yes they actually did at register. 
Frustrating and annoying. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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