Monday, January 20, 2020

A Painted Turtle

I had a customer...well two?? customers come into the store today wanting Painted Turtles.

I think it was like a mother daughter duo? Where each one wanted to get a Painted Turtle for their tank?

Which is fun...though...i'm not sure why they would want turtles specifically. *shakes head*

I had two problems.

Problem one. I only had one Painted Turtle in stock.
And they wanted two.

Problem two.
The painted turtle I had in stock....has been acting off the past week or so.
Like it's eyes are always closed and the turtle never wants to open them. 

So I wasn't sure how healthy the little guy actually was.
Like has he been eating? He's been swimming around a bit that I could see...but with his eyes always's hard to tell for sure if he can sense the food enough to go after it. 

The customers seemed really set on buying him...until I mentioned this issue. Though I did tell them about our guarantee where if the turtle didn't look to be improving in a few days -as it's hard to tell exactly why the turtle's eyes were closed in the first place- that we could take it to the vet for them.....OR they could look at a couple other turtles that I had.

As honestly I don't know why they were so set on a Painted....I suppose they said they had researched them and thought they were the best?
But I showed them that we also carried a Red-Eared Slider and an African Sideneck Turtle as well.

And when I brought them out, the red-eared slider was far more alert and active and his eyes were open.

So thankfully the customers ended up chosing to buy him instead of the Painted.

And as soon as they were out of the store wtih their new pet.
I took the Painted Turtle off the floor and placed him in our Isolation room where we could monitor him closer and hopefully in the next day or two take him to the vet. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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