Thursday, January 16, 2020


I came into the store this morning to see a seventy-five gallon tank on the floor.

Like...where a tank should have to be.

And the manager was like "Oh that was returned yesterday by one of our regular customers"

-Apparently this regular customer has a history of being a problem customer in the fish section of the store.
Which probably means that I've helped him at some point.
Yet at the same time...without a visual reference....I don't know if I've actually helped this customer. 

In any case.
This customer bought a 75 gallon tank.

But ended up returning it because like...he'd made the tank a salt water tank...but needed to move and therefore couldn't keep it anymore.

He apparently had the receipt and everything 'appeared' to be all in order.

And first glance the tank appeared to be one of ours.

But later on after the tank was taken to the back...I noticed that the stand wasn't right.

The doors were more narrow.
The top of the stand a different design.

Like sure the tank itself probably could have been ours.
But the stand itself. Definitely not ours. Because it looks nothing like the stands we've carried with that tank.

When the head manager came in, he took a closer look and concurred.

And also found the manufacture's date for that tank.


The tank is like THIRTEEN YEARS OLD.

*rolls eyes*

So I can only guess that the customer actually bought a brand new tank....but then decided he wanted to get his money back but still keep the new tank.
And therefore brought back his old tank to trick us into thinking it was the same tank he'd bought--

Which idk when he actually bought the tank so it could have been a month or so ago.

But coworkers last night noticed nothing. *exhales*

So that's frustrating.

Like we gave the dude his money back for a tank we can't even resale and he gets a brand new tank in the process.

Like you have to applaud him for being clever like that.

But at the same time.
I'm oh so irritated that the dude had the gall to do it.

I really hope that karma bites him hard for that.
Like the filters quit. The tank cracks and he can do nothing about it.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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