Thursday, January 9, 2020

He's Back!

I had a welcome surprise at work today.

As a few months ago, I don't remember exactly when, but it's been a while.
Our usual dude who delivers our weekly shipments of small pets and birds informed me that he was quitting and moving to a different state.

Which...was rather sad as he'd been coming to the store for a good twoish years by that point? So like he was a pretty constant familiar face and a great person to chat with the few minutes he was in the store to drop off the animals.

It left a void in a way because the new delivery guy wasn't as...chatty? Like he'd speak a bit, but the conversation never lasted long. 

So there was a period of adjustment there. Getting used to the new guy and such.

But today.

My manager was like "Isn't that the old delivery guy?" When I pointed out that the truck that the company uses had shown up at the store.
And I was like "No he's gone remember?"
But like...looking at his profile I was like "He does look familiar." 
And the manager was like "I swear it's that guy because he wears the hat the same way."

And wouldn't you know it!
It was our old delivery guy!!!!


Apparently he'd missed his family --as he'd moved further away from them--and decided to move back to be closer to them and get his old job back!!

lol it was crazy because I had a moment of questioning if I had somehow accidentally gone back in time because like....i never expected to see this driver again.

and here he was!

But it doesn't sound like this will be his permanent route though. He may be only showing up every 'once in a while' but it's hard to say for sure as it's only his second week back on the job.

But apparently the new guy who took over his route when he originally quit....nearly quit himself when he found out he hadn't been assigned this route this week.
Like. O_o Huh???

I wonder why....because the driver dude is pretty like....mellow? No extreme reactions or emotions just like a flat line. 

So to hear he threw a tantrum was rather....odd from what I knew of that driver.

Who knows. Maybe everyone likes this route because my store (aka because I'm there) is on it. ;) lol.

No idea.

I hope we get to see the old deliver guy more often though.
I like chatting with him.

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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