Saturday, February 8, 2020

3 in Back 1 on the Floor

So back in November we ended up with four chinchillas in the store.
Which has like...never happened before.
Usually we have one or two.
Occasionally three if one gets returned after we've received another one from our breeder.

But Four?

Which with how quickly we had been selling our chinchillas.
It didn't seem like that big of a deal.
Especially with Black Friday and Christmas coming up.
The odds were that we would sell them quickly.

And then we didn't.

It wasn't until like two weeks ago that we managed to finally sell ONE chinchilla.

Leaving us with three in the store.

However, those three haven't been without their difficulties.

Before we sold the one chinchilla we had one of the others end up with an issue of having goopy eyes.
So we took him off the floor and placed him back in our sick room to get treatment and to be given medication until the goopy eyes was solved.

And the day that the chinchilla finished his meds and was deemed healthy enough to be returned onto the floor....
I discovered a second chinchilla had somehow ended up with a lump on his throat.
Which lumps aren't good.
And need to get checked out.

So I had to isolate that chinchilla.
Leaving us with two chinchillas on the floor and one back in iso.

Only like a week or two later?
The goopy eyed chinchilla was isolated again for goopy eyes that again needed to be treated.

So now we had two chinchillas back in iso and only one on the floor--since we'd thankfully sold that fourth one.

Only having two chinchillas in the back is slightly difficult because they can't be placed in the usual cages that we use for guinea pigs, hamsters, and mice.
Instead they need bigger set ups.

And our sick room is tiny.
So I can barely fit the two cages for chinchillas.

Usually it's not an issue.
Because I honestly don't recall us having two chinchillas ever isolated back there.
It's a more rare occurrence to have even one isolated as they don't tend to have as many issues.

So it's weird to have two of them isolated in the back.


We had the fourth chinchilla that we'd sold....returned to us.
Because he too had ended up forming a lump on his neck like the second chinchilla. 

Which meant he too needed to be isolated so we could also get him treated.

But as I said earlier....we barely had room for two cages. 

Now we needed to somehow fit a third in there.

Somehow we managed it.
And thankfully we had a cage that had been pennied earlier so that meant we didn't have to write off another cage as I only had two large cages for these sort of situations.

So now.
We have four chinchillas again.

Only currently...three of them are off the floor needing various treatments in our sick room.

Leaving only the fourth one left on the floor.
*fingers crossed*
That he remains healthy and doesn't end up with an issue.
Because I seriously don't have room for a fourth chinchilla cage in the back.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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