Monday, February 17, 2020

Garden Snails

There was a customer who stopped by the snail tank as I was doing the weekly count on them. -as we keep our mystery snails all together in one tank with its own heater to make sure that the snails stay warm enough to be active.

And the customer was like "What are those?!" 

...which I suppose if you've never seen aquatic snails is a valid question.
but like if you've seen regular garden's not too hard to conjecture that the creatures you're seeing before you are also snails....

In any case.
I answered, while I was trying to count them, that they were aquatic snails and that they help to keep people's fish tanks clean by eating the algae and such.

And the customer was like " if I grab some of my garden snails and put them in my tank, they'd keep it clean?" 


They would die. 

Because your typical garden snails are a land based creature.
Placing them in water...would just kill them because they aren't made to live under water.

Upon explaining this the customer was like: "Oh. Right." 

It's always interesting how customers immediately try to find a less expensive way to do something.

Like oh I don't want to buy a snail for my tank but I have snails in my garden can I put them in my tank? That's free.

Or the more common one would be crickets.
As people can find the insects in their backyard. So often ask if they'd be okay to feed those to their reptiles instead.
Like...if you want to spend the time catching them...sure. 

*shakes head*
People are interesting. 

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