Saturday, February 15, 2020


So we've had a guinea pig in our ISO room for around a week now. Because a customer returned him for a goopy eye, but wanted him back when he got better.

And without needing to take him to the vet, the guinea pig's goopy eye vanished after a couple of days.
But I was planning to call the customer on Monday to let them know that the guinea pig was healthy because I figured Saturday was probably a busy day and I just wanted to be extra sure the goopy eye wouldn't come back.

Before the lunchtime rush. 
I had a customer come into the store.
And he wanted to know how his guinea pig was doing.

And since we only had the one guinea pig in iso that was a customer return that the customer wanted to buy him back...I knew it had to be this one that had had the slight eye problem.

And so I told him the truth.
That he appears to be healthy and that I was planning to call on Monday as I wanted to observe him a couple more days.
But he's been healthy enough that if they wanted, since the customer was already there with his family, that they could pick up the guinea pig today.

Not surprisingly.
They chose to get the guinea pig today.

And I went over the whole spiel of the guarantee and what to not do and do with the guinea pig for the first few days -i.e. not play with him for 3 days.

and the customer was like ()_() Oh. 
They didn't tell him that last time.

*shakes head*

I kinda figured as the guinea pig had been returned only two days after it had been bought.
Meaning it more than likely had been stressed out in some way.

But hopefully that doesn't happen again.
*fingers crossed*
But yay for one less animal in our sick room. ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

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