Wednesday, February 19, 2020


We had a customer call the store today.
Stating that they had purchased a couple of guinea pigs from us around a month and half or so ago.

And that of their guinea pigs had had babies.


That couldn't be right.
Because like. 
Our store only sells males.
And I was pretty confident that indeed we only had boys in our store in the past month.

So I was like...are you sure you purchased both of them from our location? Because if they'd purchased one from our sister store that would have made more sense because their store carries girls while ours carries the boys.

But to have both come from our store and one be a girl?
O.o? Huh.

I mean. I suppose it's always a possibility. But it's weird....cus I don't recall seeing anyting out of the ordinary as I have to check all the guinea pigs when they come in....*exhales* idk. 

In any case.
The customer was calling to ask what we could do for them.
Because like...they weren't expecting to have baby guinea pigs.

And it's a tricky situation because like...we don't sell females in our store.

Luckily for the customer.
Our District Manager happened to be in the store for a visit.
And heard the situation.

And was like. "If we can prove they purchased it from our store, then they can bring the mother and babies back to us and we'll take them and offer them a refund." -or you know exchange out the mother for a male guinea pig if they wanted.

But then I was like "What do we do with the mother and babies?"

Cus we can't just sell females.

And the DM was like "We'll adopt them out, once the babies are old enough of course." 

So yah.
Later this evening.
My manager sent me a picture of the babies and the Mom as the customer didn't bring them in until closer to closing time.
And they are the cutest things!!!

But until they're old enough to be weaned...we're keeping them in a back room where they won't be bothered. 
I'm so looking forward to coming into work tomorrow though.
I want to see the cute little babies in person. :D 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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