Wednesday, February 12, 2020


So we apparently had a customer who came into the store a few days ago and bought one of our cat towers.

Like one of the ones that are around six feet tall. 

And apparently, the customer couldn't fit the tower into the car.
And so paid someone to come transport their cat tower for them.

And this apparently upset the customer.

Like...yah. I would be upset too if I had to pay someone to move something I bought...but at the same time...I would think that I would know people that could help me move things if I just...asked them. 
I also probably wouldn't have bought the thing if I didn't have a way to transport it. *shakes head*

In any case.
For whatever reason -I never found out- the customer wanted to exchange out the one cat tower for another one.

Despite our manager's attempts to get the customer to buy a tower that hadn't yet been assembled and therefore was still in the box and therefore could be moved easier and transported easier...the customer insisted that they wanted another already built one.

Though if it's already built...and you had problems getting it into your car the first time....why are you doing the exact same thing??


In any case.

The customer apparently wants us to compensate them for the fact that they had to pay someone to move the cat tower in the first place.'s just stupid.
It's not our fault that YOU bought something that didn't fit in YOUR car.
I mean once you purchase an item it's considered YOUR property. Not ours. We no longer OWN it because YOU bought it. *shakes head*

But yah, they apparently wanted compensation in some way like a free bag of dog food or a discount or something.

And like....
It's stupid.
How much of a stuck up prick do you have to be to think you deserve compensation for a problem that you yourself caused??

I don't understand it.
I really don't.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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