Saturday, June 20, 2020

Chomp Chomp

So have this regular customer who comes in on a near weekly basis to buy goldfish to feed their turtle named Bob.
-Though the customer recently decided that Bob may actually be a girl. However since they've had the turtle for years now...they're just keeping the name as Bob.

And Bob is an interesting turtle. I believe she's a red-eared slider? In any case. The pet parents brings Bob in during the winter and then puts her back outside into the pond during the warmer months.

And Bob is the sort of turtle that will eat dead fish from the hand (or skewer as the pet parent doesn't want nipped fingers) 
So while it's not warm out, the customer will buy the goldfish. Some to feed to the turtle as soon as they get home, the rest to freeze and feed later on.

And this customer is always excited when I'm the one in the department because I can catch fish the fastest out of everyone in the store. (I've been doing it longest so that makes sense) 
But has been making a point to tell me this the last few times I've seen them. That they're glad I'm the one working when they come in.

In any case.
They were telling me that Bob's taken up a new...pastime? hobby? attempted food source?

As the customer came in today to get 150 goldfish instead of like the usual 60.
Because they noticed that this year, it appears that some local snakes have realized that there's fish in the pond and want to try their hand...fangs? at catching some fish.

Only the snakes hadn't accounted for Bob lurking in the pond.
And Bob is...pretty territorial. 

And apparently has taken to catching and trying to drown any snakes that enter into the pond.
As the pet parent caught Bob in the act twice now.

The first time Bob had the snake by the mouth and the snake was desperately trying to wiggle free.
And the only reason why Bob let go was because the owner's spouse grabbed a pole and lightly tapped Bob on the shell--as the turtle doesn't like her shell being touched and that caused her to immediately let go and the snake swam for freedom (and straight to the spouse who was like 'HEY I JUST FREED YOU DON'T ATTACK ME!) 

The second time, Bob had grabbed onto the snake in the middle and was trying to drag the snake underwater to drown it.
With a repeat performance with the pole, Bob was made to let go of the snake...but this one was more...lifeless than the other.
So the pet parent took the snake by the tail and put it in a spot far away from the pond to see if it would recover.

They were still uncertain if the snake actually survived, but it wasn't there when they went to check on it later.

Still it's kinda crazy.
I haven't heard of turtles attacking snakes before. O_o 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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