Saturday, June 27, 2020

Fish Now!

Had a father come into the store looking to get a tank for his kids...or maybe mostly his daughter?
Because she wanted fish.
And they'd had a betta fish before, but it died and the guy was looking for an 'easy' fish to take care of.
Which like...the betta fish are the easiest fish to care for.
Everything else takes a bit more work to make sure the tank is properly taken care of.

But the guy seemed to zero in on the glofish and wanted to know what kind of tanks he could get to have the glofish glow. 
So I showed him a few different options and went over pros and cons with different tanks and the type of fish he wanted to get.

Which was semi-difficult to do because the daughter kept coming and interrupting us wanting to show him things around the store.
And at one point he was like "We need to get the tank first and then come get fish tomorrow."

And the little girl was like "No! I want the fish today! We can come get the tank tomorrow."

lol. Luckily the father didn't listen to the child and chose to get the tank first.

But it was rather amusing to have the child insist that they should get the fish first.
Like...dear need to have the tank to put the fish in, if you don't have the tank where are you gonna put the fish?? Because they can't stay in the bag all night and it doesn't sound like your dad has the old tank around if he's coming to buy a new one...

Just kinda an amusing moment.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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