Thursday, June 4, 2020


There's a certain joy one gets when helping a parent to surprise their child with a pet for a special occasion like their birthday or christmas or something.

Today I had a customer come into the store looking to get a present for their son.
As his birthday was tomorrow and the customer wanted to get them something special.

The main thing that made this memorable compared to all the other 'birthday presents' I've helped picked out is that the parent specifically mentioned that their son was turning...I think it was like 32?? And made a point to say that "but he's still my son and I want to spoil him" something like that.
And I thought it was just heartwarming that the parent wanted to do something special for their adult child. Like it's nice to hear that parents still want to spoil their kids no matter what age they are.

And the gift their parent wanted to get their kid?
A Tarantula.

So...yah. *shakes head* That was a unique experience helping them to get a cage to help set up everything and telling them about the spider and such. 

Lol hopefully the son enjoys his gift.

but the interaction with the parent was definitely a highlight to my day. Just how earnest they were in wanting to do something special for their kid. It was amazing to see. Especially with how everything seems to be in turmoil and dark and gloomy right now.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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