Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Thawed Out

So we have this ancient freezer on the floor.
Probably not ancient. 
But I feel like the thing has probably been there since the store first started.
Who knows. 
This freezer has been in the store longer than I have at least.

And it's located next to the fishwall. 
As it contains the frozen food needed to feed fish, turtles, and snakes...and maybe a few other creatures. Who knows. 
Mostly I know it holds brineshrimp. bloodworms, frozen mice/rats and a few other frozen fish food thingies. 

And like...two weeks ago?
Three weeks ago?

The thing...stopped working properly?

It was odd.
Because the food towards the front of the freezer all thawed.
The food towards the bottom of the freezer all thawed.
But the stuff towards the back stayed frozen.
And never thawed out.

But like...anything else we tried to put in there would thaw.
And what had thawed wouldn't refreeze....(not that we'd sell the thawed stuff, we tossed that) 

So to be on the safe side.
We ended up putting an 'out of order' sign on the freezer.
Threw out all the thawed stuff.
And kept the new product we got in in a freezer off the floor while we waited for freezer to get fixed.

It didn't get fixed.
Apparently our freezer is finally old enough that corporate was like "Here. Just get a new freezer." 
So we did! 

It's so weird seeing the new version next to the old version though.
Like. O.o In some ways it's exactly the same. 
And in other ways it's all shiny and new and very futuristic compared to the old version. XD lol

But the downside to the new one is that it's on wheels. 
So like...everytime you pull open the door it scoots forward a little.
So we need to figure out a way to make sure it doesn't that. 

In any case.
I spent a good portion of my shift moving all the product into the new freezer.

So yay!!
We finally have everything up and running again. XD lol 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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