Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Long Lost Twin

So towards the end of the work day, a while after the sun had set, I ended up going out to gather up all the carts in the parking lot as we'd gotten rather low in the store. 

And apparently a customer saw me gathering carts outside.

Again. It'd dark out. So the only light is the light from the parking lot lights or cars driving past.

And when they entered the store....they saw my coworker who was walking by.

And like stopped dead. And pointed straight at them.

My coworker was like O_o?? "Can I help you?" 

lol and the customer was like "Weren't you just outside gathering carts?" 

And then proceed to ask if this coworker was my twin. XD lol.

Which I could see how people might think we're related.

As we're similar build, have similar hair color, and wear our hair in the same hair style....

So in the darkness of outside I could see how people would think the two of us were twins.

Though standing side by side? Not so much.

Still. It's amusing to think we confused a customer. lol amusing to think I have a twin in the store too. XD 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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