Friday, January 8, 2021

Small Bright Moments

 You know, I'm rather grateful for the customers who take the time to approach us after we have to deal with an anti-masker and compliment us on handling the situation or give us their condolences for having to deal with such individuals. 

It's just...somewhat nice to know that not all customers are against us.

Which in general they're not.

But when we have to deal with an uptick in anti-maskers....especially the ones that get more confrontational and loud about their dislike of our mask policy....

It's nice to have other customers take the time to approach us and tell us that we're doing a good job. 

I had one such customer do so today after I had a family of anti-maskers take offense to our policy that they have to wear masks to be in the store and had the man get rather loud at me for 'treating him like a second class citizen' *shakes head*

The customer who came over afterwards was like "I don't need help, but I want to say you handled the situation remarkably well and I'm sorry you had to deal with it."

Yah me too.

Though unfortunately having had to deal with such individuals for the entire pandemic...I'm rather used to it. *exhales* 

I wish people would just learn that wearing a mask is a sign that you care about others and that it's not a political agenda. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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