Monday, January 25, 2021

The First Customer of the Day

 It's not the best of starts to the work morning to have your first customer of the day be an anti-masker.

A mother came in with her three young kids and their puppy. None of them wearings masks. And while the three kids were young enough to not necessarily need to wear masks. The mother was a different case entirely.

So I approached her, asking if she had a mask to wear.

To which she replied that "We have a medical condition." 

Which...I'm pretty certain that it's unlikely that your entire family has medical conditions, though again I wasn't as concerned with the kids not wearing masks.

But I had to restate our policy that "Everyone in the store is required to wear masks." and that "If you cannot wear a mask, then we do provide curbside pick up for you, but you need to wear a mask while in the store."

And the customer was like "Oh."

And went to get a mask to wear.


It's rather frustrating. How many people try and use the 'medical condition' as an excuse to not wear a mask when they actually don't have a medical condition preventing them from wearing a mask. 

Like there are legitimate people who have breathing issues and can't wear masks and such. But I'm pretty sure most of those people are edging on the side of caution and taking advantage of the curbside pick ups and such.

Because like...if you can't breathe while wearing a mask....then you definitely won't be able to breathe if you catch Covid.

*shakes head* 

It's so crazy how many customers choose their own self interest over the health of others. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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