Saturday, January 30, 2021

Yip Yip Yip

 I don't understand people who just let their dogs bark/yip/yap incessantly. 

Like...maybe they've dealt with it so long they tune it out?

Or maybe they just like having noise constantly around them?

Who knows.

In any case.

Today we had a yippy dog in the store.

One of those little white poodle mix dogs that can sit on your lap and such.

And the freaking dog would not shut up.

It yipped and yapped the entire time it was in the store. 

Which considering the dog was in the store for a training class....meant that it was in the store for at least an hour. Maybe slightly longer because I saw the dog outside of the training class for a little bit after the class had ended.

But like.

For that entire hour.

The dog would not shut up.

And on more than one occasion its yipping encouraged the other dogs in the class to start barking too.

Which barking dogs is part of the job. 

Having it last for like an hour straight? Not so much. 

Especially when the yip is at such a tone that it echoes loudly through the entire store.

Not as bad as the border collie bark, but this yippy mini poodle mix made it difficult to speak and be heard because the bark was so pervasive. 

It just. Echoed. 



And when I'm noise sensitive...having a dog constantly yapping makes it easy to trigger a headache.

Which a headache it did trigger.

But like....I didn't understand the pet parent themself.

Like why in the world would you allow your dog to yip constantly for so long? 

If it were me I'd be making more of an effort to shut the dog up. least try to hold the dog's mouth closed or cover it's eyes or something to get it to be quiet.

Especially when you're in a training class.

Like yah...a training class would probably mean they'd be teaching you how to get your dog to be quiet. 
But at the same time. It wasn't that sort of training class, at least I don't think it was. 

But how inconsiderate is let your dog bark the entire time you're sitting in a class. To have the dog barking so loudly that you can't hear yourself talking halfway across the store, let alone within three feet of the yipping pup. 

I can't believe the pet parent would just sit there and let the dog bark without trying to quiet it.

But that seemed to be the case. And even the dog trainer said it was a 'bad class' because of it. Because they could barely make themselves heard and such. do you expect to learn anything if you can't hear anything the trainer was saying? 

It's frustrating.

Like me and my coworkers were talking about writing off one of those 'sonic eggs' hand remotes and using it as we walked past the training area to get the dog to be quiet.

We didn't do it. 
As we didn't want to interfere with the class, nor cause any potential problems because we knew how any of the dogs would react to it.

But gah.

So. Annoying.

I was so glad when yippy dog left.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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