Monday, January 4, 2021

Too Many Fish

I had a customer come into the store wanting to get fish.

"A lot of fish." in their words.

Which is never a good thing to hear when dealing with aquatics. Because if people try to add too many fish into their tank at once...there's a higher chance of them dying. Just from the stress and the sudden increase in ammonia and the like.

And I knew that this might be a problem when the customer started off by saying that they wanted 8 red wag platys.

Eight is a big number. And with the customer gearing up to tell me more fish that they wanted....I had to double check.

How big is the tank?

The customer seemed to think they had a 75 gallon.

Though when I mentioned at one point that I had a 125 gallon they were like "Oh yah! That's the size of tank that I had when I killed all my fish."

As the customer was coming to restock their tank with fish after doing a water change that killed their fish because they made the water too hot. 

In any case.

I tried to tell the customer that they should only get between 8-10 fish for their 75 gallon tank as they don't want to add too many fish at once because again, like I stated above, it could stress out and kill their fish.

The customer brushed off my concerns though. Stating that they had 'multiple tanks' they can put the fish in.

*exhales* Pretty sure that was a bald-faced lie. But I can't really call a customer out on it when they tell me they have other tanks. But like...when the customer makes no indication as to which tanks they want their fish to be in or like which fish can go into the same bag together...yah...pretty sure they only had the one tank.


And like they ended up having me grab around 50 fish.

6 Red Wag Platys. (originally 8 but they decided to do 6)
5 Tiger Barbs.
4 Bala Sharks
8 Giant Danios
6 Red Minor Tetras
4 Turquoise Guppies
4 Red Tuxedo Guppies

I feel like there was another batch in there somewhere. *exhales*

But needless to say it was a lot of fish.

And kinda annoying though because I told the customer a 75 gallon tank should only have around 30ish fish.

So of course instead of listening to my first advice of getting only 8 fish this week and waiting a week before coming to get more fish, they only heard my other info of the fact that if you divide the size of the tank you have in half -75 gallons- that's around how many fish you can have. 

So of course they got around 38 fish for a 75 gallon tank.

It's just...annoying. When customers have selective hearing. *exhales*

Honestly, if their fish die I won't be surprised because like dude...I told you that wasn't a good idea. But did you listen? Noooooo.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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