Saturday, December 20, 2014

MLAARE -Companion Problems

I came into the store one morning,
To discover that we had had a hamster returned the night before.

Well, apparently, it had eaten it's companion hamster.
And for some reason, the owner didn't want to keep the surviving hamster anymore.

(In a way I can understand that, in others....not so much.)

What bugged me though,
was that the 'owner' didn't listen to my coworker's words, not to put two hamsters together.

Because they aren't a social creature.
They LIKE being by themselves.

Will even kill to be so once that instinct kicks in.

The are exceptions of course,
Like if the hamsters grew up together in the same litter.

But putting two completely different types of hamsters together?!

Oh no.
There will be only one survivor.

>.< I hate it when people don't listen to us.
Because then the animal ends up coming out the worse of it.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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