Monday, December 22, 2014

MLAARE -Small Space

I had a customer come into the store today,
To try and bring their bird back.
(Even though it was over the time frame for returning live pets)

Why did they want to give their bird back?

Because he wasn't singing. Chirping. Making any noise at all really.

Though, it was obvious that his voice was fine.
Because the little bird was chirping like crazy in the store.

They wanted to exchange this bird, for a bird of a different color.
To see if that bird would make noise for them.

But I could already see that it wouldn't solve the problem.

As you see, they brought the bird in, in his cage.
And the cage was TINY!
Honestly, I can see why he wasn't making noise.
Who would be HAPPY in such a tiny space?
I mean, spreading out the wings he hardly had more than an inch or so on either side to move around.

Would YOU be happy to be stuck in a room like a tiny bathroom?
Sure you can LIVE there.
But you wouldn't be HAPPY there.
Because there isn't enough space.
All creatures are more happy and more likely to be vocal when they have space to move around.

So I told the customer that getting a different bird wouldn't change the situation.
What they needed to do was to get a bigger cage.
And maybe get the bird a friend once they did have a bigger cage.
Then there would be more chirping and singing in the house.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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