Tuesday, December 30, 2014

MRS -Wrong Time

I'm rather annoyed at my roommate today.
Because she decided to take a shower.

I mean, I've had this problem before, now.
It happens when the sink and shower are in the same room.
(Note to self, make sure next apt has separate areas for this so it doesn't happen again.)
But usually it's later in the morning.
When I have a shift that starts an hour or so before my work opens.
and she needs to get ready about the same time to go to her work.

This morning though?
Not so.
I had a shift that started even earlier in the morning.
A shift that started at the same time as the last two days.
Yet, for some reason, this roomie decided she needed to take a shower right then.
An hour earlier than usual.
I barely managed to slide in and grab my contacts before I got locked out.
And unfortunately....
I stayed locked out.
>.< So I wasn't able to fully get ready for the day before I left for work.
Totally annoying.
Especially because I'd been so confident before that this shouldn't happen. Not unless I get scheduled for a particular shift. >.<

Which makes me wonder....
Did she do it on purpose?
Or was it just an accident?
Was she being vindictive for some reason?
Or just decided to get ready earlier in the day?

I dunno, but if it happens again, I'll be sure to ask her if her work schedule has changed or something.
But I don't want to be late to work just because I couldn't get in to grab my contacts so I can see for the rest of the day.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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