Saturday, December 6, 2014

MRS Dishes

I finally took some action tonight.
Regarding a situation in our kitchen, that has been long over due for a takeover.

For you see, since the day I moved in,
There have been dishes -clean ones mind you- in the dishwasher.

I originally thought that they were my first roommate's as she moved in before me.

But apparently, they are from far longer than that.
For they have remained untouched, unmoved, for months.
And considering that particular roommate....and like all the roommates like to handwash their dishes.....
-Perhaps they too have been waiting for the 'owner' to empty out the dish washer.
it is unlikely that the dishes are any of theirs.
So therefore.

I have claimed them as my inheritance!
Yay for obtaining a random assortment of dishes from who knows. :)

Amongst them, my proudest item to a popcorn bowl. ^^ YAY!! :D

Now hopefully. The Dishwasher can be used more long as I remember to take out my new dishes once they're clean. ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

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