Wednesday, September 30, 2015

MLAARE -Prank Calls

I don't know why people think its fun to prank call a pet store.
I mean....what's the point?

Today we got a call in.
Where someone was 'claiming' that 36 frogs were on their porch. And they wanted us to come get rid of them. Because they had company over.

They apparently wanted a manager to come over and get them.
Which we don't do.
We don't make house calls.

They wanted us to buy them.
But we don't buy animals.

They were told that Animal Control could help them out.
Or better yet, they could pick up the frogs themselves and move them.

*rolls eyes*
But by the end...
The Poor manager who had to take the call was rather frustrated.
That his time had been wasted.
As we were behind on unloading our truck.
And that whole conversation had stalled the progress he'd been making.

So again....why prank call a pet store?
Its not really a thrill for us workers who are trying to get a job done.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

MLAARE -Negativity

I was in the middle of an un fun task.
The task of checking the prepackaged crickets that were sent to us.
These containers come with around 24 crickets.
But after a week....they don't always have that many.
So I gave myself the 'fun' tasks, of going through all the boxes.
Tossing the empty ones, emptying out the ones that only had a few crickets, marking down the ones that had less than 24 to try and get them to sell.

It wasn't fun work.
Especially because I wasn't here when it was supposed to have been done last week.
Which meant....there were a ton of boxes to go through.

But it had to be done.
Yet, right in the middle of working in it.
I got a sudden jab of a headache.
It came out of nowhere.

And it really felt like someone was sending negative energy my way.
So weird.

I didn't think much towards it.
I was figuring that the smell of the crickets and the hurried pace I was going through them had put me in a tense mood and was giving me the headache.

But then, towards the end.
I looked up.
And saw one of our new hires...
Standing there.
Staring at me.
Just staring at me.

Such a weird thing.
And when I moved out of his line of sight.
My headache faded away!

So I wasn't crazy when I thought someone was sending negativity my way.
Someone was.
Though I wasn't sure why....
I'd barely talked to the guy...
Perhaps I just happened to be in the way and he wasn't focusing on me.
Who knows.
I just hope it doesn't happen again.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 28, 2015

MLAARe -A Tuff of Fur

Its always interesting to go on vacation and get away from work for a few days.
Because I never know what I'm going to come back to.
I say in all joking that "I hope the place doesn't burn down while I'm gone." but I do wonder if things will get super crazy while I'm gone.

I also worry.
That the animals won't get as great of care when I'm gone.
Like they won't get their food, won't get checked on, won't get their medicines....

And that was halfway confirmed today at work.

As I was doing the morning feeding of the hamster.
I opened one cage.
And noticed a small tuff of fur on the bedding.

That's never a good sign.
Tuffs of fur usually mean wounds, usually means fighting and sometimes means death.

And judging by the many empty food bowls I'd already refilled.
I knew it wasn't going to be good when I lifted up that house.

It wasn't.

A hamster had perished
Cannibalized by the others.

But the sad thing, is that there was hardly anything left.
It was basically just the bottom of the hamster. The legs and the tail area from what I could tell from my brief glance at it.
By all means I wasn't inclined to look closer and gross myself out further.

Not fun.
And an indication that the hamsters hadn't been looked at, or their cage even opened most likely for at least a day, maybe a day and a half.
Because if it had been checked more often,
Then it could have been prevented (unless the incident happened over night.)
Because wounds would have been noticed and the hamster taken away.
If it had happened over night....(which it wouldn't have been last night.)
There would...well have been more of the hamster left.

There was hardly anything at all.
By the end of the day there would have been no trace the hamster was there if I hadn't noticed that tuff of fur.

It wasn't a pretty task...
Quite a welcome back to work.
Ah well.
Let the crazy begin.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 24, 2015

MLAARE -Hyper Hamster

We have this hamster.
Usually the Syrian's are rather mellow Hamsters....
But this one in particular is...rather High Strung.

He freaks out over little nothings.
Like us opening the cage.
Like us trying to pick him up.
He just panics.

But he's not only high strung in not liking to be touched.
He's like hyper active high strung.

Because we've caught him.
Over and over.
In the same cycle.
Run along the front of the cage. Back and forth.
To the wheel. Run on it for three seconds.
Get off, run along the side of the cage,
up to the front. Back and forth.
Back to the wheel to run again.

He's done it for hours.
For entire shifts.

It's so crazy.
He's crazy.

I really wonder what he'd do if he actually had the freedom to roam wherever?
I half expect he'd be able to be from one coast to the next in three days from how hyper he can be.
Hopefully he finds a good home soon.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

MLAARE -Not for Sale

It was one of those busy days, where I kept ending up over at the register to help back up the cashier when the lines got too long.

This time around as I moved in that direction.
I noticed a couple of young boys standing on one of our red step stools that we use about the store to reach things higher up on the shelves.
Since the they were with their family, and the family was standing in line with the boys to check out, I figured, why waste the energy telling them to get off the stool if they were going to be out the door in two minutes anyways?

It just so happens that this family went through my register.
They placed their items on the counter for me to dutifully scan.
And then they were like "Oh, yah. How much is this stool here?"

I blinked.
And realized that they were talking about the red store stool that the boys had been standing on earlier.
"It's not for sale." Was my response.
They gave me this blank look of confusion. Of 'then why is it in the store if you aren't selling it?'
So I had to further explain. "They're for us to use in the store only, to help us reach things higher up. They aren't for sale."

So the customers left the store without their red step stool....

O.o was a surprise that they wanted it.
I wasn't like it was in a location that screamed "I'm for sale!"
No, we just have them randomly throughout the store, so that they can be in close access for when we eventually need them for this that and the other.

I don't even know what they would need the stool for in their own homes. O.o
Or why they hadn't bought one elsewhere.
*shakes head.*

But that was definitely a first...someone wanting that...

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

MLAARE -Feeding

Sometimes I wonder how much of what a customer tells me....
Is of their own imagination.
Or what one of my coworkers actually told them...

You see...
We had a bearded dragon returned to us.
>.< It was passed our return time frame...but the head manager decided to allow it this time.
Not sure why...but at least the dragon is back in our care.

I'm not sure exactly what is wrong with it.
But I'm told...that they were told to only feed the bearded dragon like 4 small crickets a day.
O.o rather limited for a beardy.
We end up feeding them at least 10 crickets at a time.
Because they're little pigs and love to eat. a being on a diet I suppose.
They can get by...but it won't make them as happy or healthy.
And this bearded dragon was more on the unhealthy side....

Hopefully we can get it better....
And that we can better educate the customer on how much they should be feeding the bearded dragon at a time.
Because...I'm pretty sure all my coworkers know that they need to eat more than 4 crickets at a time....
But who knows....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, September 18, 2015

MLAARE -Helpers

Like I mentioned in my last post,
I've taken recently to counting our crickets.
To make sure that we get in the number that it says we were sent.

Well, I was doing just that.
Counting crickets.
When this mother and her two young sons came walking by.
Staring at the fish.
But being the little boys they were.
They ended up being more curious about what I was doing with the bugs then anything else.
And really wanted to help me out.

So I let them 'help' me by putting away some egg crate that we keep around to give the crickets something to hold onto.
I would give them each a piece.
And they would stand on their tippy toes, reaching as far into our container of crickets as they could. (As the top of it was over their heads.) And dropped the egg crate inside.
Lol, it had to have been one of the most exciting things they'd done.
And I was rather surprised at how eager they were to help me.

They have a good mother, to raise such helpful sons. ^^
And while I technically didn't need all that egg crate in the container of crickets.
;) It's not going to hurt them any to have more in there. :)
Not when I had such cute little helpers helping me. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Well, this was a first.
I got in a shipment of bugs today.
And was putting them away.
When I happened to glance into a box of crickets.
....only to realize there was something wrong.
I wasn't seeing movement in the box.

First I assumed that the crickets had just all died.
And were lifeless at the bottom of the box.
But looking closer...I didn't see any sort of bug live or dead in there.

So I opened the box.


No crickets whatsoever.
It didn't even look like the box had ever held crickets.
Everything inside was fresh and unsoiled.


2,000 crickets.
That was what we were supposed to get in.
And nada.

Thankfully I can get a replacement sent in.
Because ouch. That's a lot of missing crickets. :S

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

MLAARE - Early Customer

I had a customer come into the store early.
Like half an hour before the store opened.

>.< Which is why I hate this "open door" policy we have where the doors open with our grooming department's hours. Because anyone can walk in. And if they see the doors open...they think the store is open.

So I moved away from my tasks to intercept the customer and politely told him that we didn't open for another half hour.

"Are you serious?" He asks as his cat meows in the cart.
"Yes. We don't open for another half an hour."
"You're sure?"
"Yes, Our hours are posted on the door sir. We're not open for another half hour, we won't have a cashier until then."
"Well can I at least check and see if you have the food I want?"
"Sure, what brand is it."
"This brand."
"Yes we have it."
"Is it still on sale?"
"I don't know lets go look." So I lead him to the bags. Show him that they aren't on sale.
And told him again, that we don't open for half an hour.
He says that he'll wait until then to buy the food.

But then like five minutes later.
He comes up to me. Asking if there was anything he could do to buy the food early. Because you see, he was late for work. And his cat was out of food.
(I'm like, pick up the food after work, your cat won't die without food for a few hours, why did you not get this yesterday?)
I don't know if he was actually late for work...but he we desperate to get out of the store.
Because he was like "Is there anything I can do? Like I can pay extra if you'll let me buy the food early."
Bribing me. He was bribing me.
"Sir we don't do that here."
"Is there anything you can do? I need to go. Is there a manager that can open the register for me?"

>.< Honestly at this point I really wished that I could say "Sir, I am the manager and I'm telling you we aren't open yet. You'll have to wait to buy your food."

Seriously. Why should we make a special exception for you? Would you do the same courtesy to me if I tried to buy stuff at your work before you were officially open? Probably not! >.<

>.< Instead I was polite and nice and said "Let me go check the registers and see if they're open yet."
Which I knew they were. Because Grooming was open. The registers open when grooming opens incase customers need to buy the services then. (It doesn't happen that often, hence why there is no cashier until after the main store opens.)
"Oh look, they're up." GET OUT OF MY HAIR!
So I helped the customer.
Got him out of the store.
And really hoped that he won't try to come in early again.

>.< Ugh. 

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

MLAARE -Prices?

So a young family came into the store.
With a young puppy in their cart along with their kids.
And the father, asked my coworker;
"How much are these fish."
Now, that's not out of the ordinary for that question to be asked...because sometimes the fish look similar to each other on the pictures with the price tags.
So it wasn't weird to answer the question. Which my coworker did.
But then they proceeded to ask again, and again, what the price was for different fish.
To the point where it began to get annoying.
Like dude. LOOK AT THE PRICE TAG! You have EYES take the extra two seconds to see what the price is for yourself. You have no excuse not to try and figure it out yourself. >.<

Its always so weird, that customers come up to us expecting us to know the prices of items right of the top of our heads. *shakes head* Such an unrealistic expectation. I mean, we have like a Billion different products in the store and they go on sale every now and then. So prices are always differing.

It's like "Well, lets look at the price tag together." Sort of situation. Because we don't always know what the prices are for specific items.

In any case, the young family got their fish....
And then proceeded to go adopt a kitten as well.


They already had a puppy, young kids....and they decided to add in fish and a cat.... it almost seemed like all within the same day. It's crazy. I can understand having all those animals at once...but it just seemed rather crazy to get them all in the same day...

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 14, 2015

MLAARE -Walnut Shells

I had a gentleman come up to me today in the store.
Asking if we sold ground walnut shells.
Which we did.
Though I was sure like all the others, that he wasn't wanting the 25lb bag.
And it wasn't.
But it turns out that we apparently sell a 10lb bag.
As there was a spot for it.
But it wasn't on the shelf.

However, I offered to go look in our back room, to see if we had it somewhere.
Which I didn't think we did.
But we'd just gotten a truck in....
So I figured it didn't hurt to look.
Even though if we did have it was probably buried in a box somewhere where I couldn't see it.

As I looked.
I saw this green bag.
on top of a pallet.
That looked like the ground walnut shell bag.

I pulled it out where I could see it.
And wouldn't you know it.
It was the bag!
The bag the customer wanted!

So I brought it up to him.
And walla!
He was happily able to go on his way.
Yay for making a customer's day. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 12, 2015

MLAARE -Store Supplies

So there I was,
Opening up the department before the store opened,
and one of the stockers came up to me, carrying a box of Millet.
"I don't know where this goes."
I glanced at the box, saw the packaging, and told him "That's supplies for us to use in the store. It goes in the back."
I didn't think much of it beyond wondering if he had the whole store supply pallet there.
Sure enough, a minute later, he was asking where the travel boxes we place our animals in when they're sold, go.
So, I told him then went over to the pallet, as he was wondering where the giant filters for our fish system were supposed to go....
Yah, the whole pallet he was trying to work....was store supplies.
"That's all store supplies." I told him.
"Yes, all this, is store supplies.'
"But this box isn't."
"No, that box is as well. It has store supplies in it."

I told him to put it by our door and I would put all the supplies into the backroom when I got the chance.

Lol. I have no idea how he didn't realize it was store supplies...usually there are stickers all over the pallet saying not to sell these items. I have no idea why he didn't notice, or where they all went. Apparently there were a couple of actual cages on the pallet that did go into the main store...but the rest...all store supplies. *shakes head.*
At least we caught it before we ended up dealing with customers trying to buy things we can't actually sell....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, September 11, 2015

MLAARE -Upgraded

The fun thing about technology, is that it's always changing.
Especially in the store.
We ended up getting Ipads a few months ago, to help customers order things online if we didn't have them available in the store.
And every now and then the company creates new aps to help ease the customers needs further.
The ability to look up receipts.
The ability to sign up for a membership.

And just today.
They came out with an ap, geared towards adopting out our pets. ^^ Woot!

It's exciting, though I haven't really seen it yet to know how it works....
But I'm just glad that its one less folder of papers that we have to keep in the office.

Here's to hoping that they'll continue with advancements.
Like...maybe the ability to scan fish tags instead of having to write the UPC down all the time. That would be so handy.... lol

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 10, 2015

MLAARE -Switching the Look

One annoying thing about products in the store.
Is that every now and then the company of the product decides to change up the packaging of their product.

Most often I see it in Dog Food.
Where the style of the bag will change like every four months or so.

I'm pretty sure its to try and draw new interest into their brand and get customers to notice their food.

But for the people who buy their brand....
It gets rather frustrating, when they come into the store looking for something in particular,
and they can't find it because the bag has changed on them.
It doesn't look the same, the stuff on the bag has changed, its a different look....

And that can cause some grief, especially if they can't find what food they used to buy.

Thankfully the customer I helped today....I was able to help I think.

I found him looking at a specific brand of dog food, and asked him if he needed help.
Which he did.
He was looking for the bag of food that said "Lamb, Brown Rice, and Whole Oats" on it.
And he could see the bag that had Chicken, Brown Rice, and Whole Oats.
But didn't see the Lamb one.

Probably because they had changed the packaging.
As I saw a bag next to the chicken one that had Lamb and Rice on the label.
But he didn't believe that was the one.
Because it didn't say the words that his food said.
So I dutifully went into the back to look for the one with that specific wording...
and couldn't find it.

So I returned to the man and the dog food.
And suggested we look at the ingredients list.
And what do you know. There was Lamb, Brown Rice, and Whole Oats listed among the ingredients.

Since it was the brand he usually bought.
With the ingredients he wanted.
I could only assume that that was the bag he needed to get.

To which he did get to try out, and see if it was similar to what he'd been getting his dog. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

MLAARE -Baby Fish

Baby fish have to be the cutest things. ^^
I love seeing these itty bitty things grow bigger and bigger each day.

And thanks to our display tank.
I'm able to do so. ^^

You see, a while back, we decided to redo what kind of fish were in our Community display tank.

Since I'm not able to get my own bigger fish tank.
I've...kinda made this one my own.
Adding in fish I think will work.

Of course...I meant to stay in the boundaries.
As we decided that some Neon Tetras and a variety of Platys would be enough.

Only the Neons are all the same shade, and the Platys ended up just hiding in the plants like the entire time.

So I may have added a handful of guppies into the tank as well.
Because they're colorful, they swim out in the open.
And therefore our tank looks fuller. :)

In any case, the guppies are all males because we would have been overrun with babies in no time flat if we'd added in females. lol.
But I did make it so there were female and male platys in the tank.
For fun. ^^
To see if they'd breed.

And they have!

We have a half dozen little baby platys swimming around in that tank now and its adorable!!
I definitely love pausing in my work day to look at them.
It's you know, to see a bunch of different fish of different sizes interacting with each other. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 7, 2015

MLAARE -Clean Again

I've seen a lot of different animals here at work.
Most of them I have a pretty good basic knowledge of.
And I do have to wonder....why people would ever want some of the pets as....pets.

For example. Turtles.
The Aquatic kind.
They're soo much work!

I mean, they're worse than a fish tank.
Because they can quickly get the water dirtier than a bunch of fish could.

Today, was an example of that.
To try and save our tank from looking disgusting.
We've begun feeding the aquatic turtles in little bowls.
And for the most part.
It helps.
It helps to keep the tank cleaner.

But that's not always the case, the turtles can sometimes move the bowl, spill the food into the water.
Which they did.

And the water ended up looking disgusting!
The filter was hardly working from how much food and such had entered the water.

Thankfully due to coming in a bit earlier than normal, we had time to take the twenty minutes or so to get all the water out and clean out the filter.
So now our turtles are once again in clean water!! Yay! Once again the filter works yay!

But I find it so tedious though...Aquatic Turtles.
Because you literally do need to change out that water at least once a week, if they make a mess of the food, then twice a week.
It's so much hassle.

So I applaud the people who actually make the effort to care for the turtles as pets.
Because I think they're nearly as messy as birds.
And if it can't stay clean for more than a day....why have it as a pet?

Thankfully, they're cute. So there's that saving grace. ;)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 5, 2015

MLAARE -Loosing Fish

Sometimes I wonder if people come into the store and hex our fish.
Seriously I do.
Do they somehow sneak in in the middle of the night (doubtful due to alarms) and hexed them? Or did they just sneak inside and somehow put poison into our waters?

Last week we got in a shipment of goldfish. The feeder fish.
The ones that people use in carnivals, feed other animals, or keep in ponds.

We had a ton of Large ones. Enough that I had to put them in another tank to keep from overcrowding the other two that I had. The number ended up being around 600 this week.
We also had medium, that were much needed. Also totaling around 600 or so.
Then we had smalls, that we were low on and so were expecting a shipment of them next week.

This week, on Tuesday, we got in that shipment of fish.
But we also got in more medium fish. :S
Bringing our total fish number up to around 1,000.
()_() That's ALOT of fish. And regrettably I didn't divide those ones up further from two tanks into three.
As well as some more small fish. Bringing the total up to 600ish.

So a day later, when I went through to update the fish numbers to make sure that we had approximately the number that the computer system thought we had.

Again that was like 600, 1,000 and 600 fish.
So over 2,000 fish.

A lot.
It was great.
The dead fish weren't anything out of the usual. You usually have a few die.

So I left soon after my shift.
Thinking nothing was wrong.

Apparently  something was wrong, as a coworker noticed that the goldfish were beginning to gasp at the surface for air. Usually meaning that a) one of the tanks water valves had blocked up an easy fix. or b) they were suffering from Ammonia burn. Where the gills had basically been burned from too much ammonia in the water.
Considering that we had so many fish...that's not uncommon. So it was decided to treat for ammonia. Just in case.

In any case....when I came in the next day...
I noticed that there were dead fish. :S
More than there had been yesterday.

It didn't look too bad. got worse when I was finally able to pull out the dead.

We have different size baggies to bag up the fish right?
Well we have one that is like 4 inches by 12 inches.

And I basically filled that bag full of fish. There was like an inch or two of free space.
But that bag was full. Full of dead goldfish.
I pulled at least 200 possibly up to 400 goldfish then.
So from 2000 down to 1600.
That's not good...
I did everything I could think of to help the fish. Cleaned the system, fed them, adjusted water flow, tested for chemical imbalances. See if the Ammonia was out of control, or the Nitrates or Nitrites...things that could kill the fish.

Everything was normal.
There was nothing out of the ordinary!

And yet,
Thrice more during my 8 hour shift, I pulled out more and more dead fish.
I lost like 200 Large.
I lost like 200 Small.
I lost like 600 Medium. :S

Yah, I'd lost basically half of our Medium fish within one shift. ONE shift.
And they were still dying off when I left!
And continued dying off.
For no visible reason!

Did someone poison our fish!

I came in today to find.
No Smalls. (we got in another shipment and sold those ones, but the 600 before that. Dead.)
A handful of Mediums. Like...20 of them.
And then like 200 Large ones.

So out of 2000 fish.

I had like 200 fish left.
And those ones weren't looking good either.
It won't surprise me if they die off in the next couple of days as well.

but HOW!
How can we go from 2000 fish to 200?!?!
It doesn't make sense.
Nothing was out of the ordinary!!


I'll probably never know.
And that's annoying.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 3, 2015

MLAARE -Missing Count

So, this week we ran into a very large problem.
In the fact that the number of crickets our inventory  said that we had....
We didn't in fact have.
And the number was high.
Very high. Multiple thousands high.
Like...adding it all up,  the numbers indicated that we had 'lost' two of our three shipments of crickets.
Things like that don't just happen.
(Though part of the problem is we hadn't updated the count in a couple of the numbers halfway made sense in the end.)

Where are all our crickets going?
No idea.
No. idea.
How could we not have thousands of crickets?!
We can't have had that many get loose.
We can't have had that many extra be bagged for customers....

Were they all dying? It hardly seemed like so.
But in an attempt to figure out where all our crickets are going.

I had the 'fun' task this week,
Of counting the crickets that came in.
To make sure that we were getting in the numbers that the company said they were sending us.

Don't worry, I didn't have to count each cricket one by one.
O.o That would have taken a ton of time I didn't have, especially considering we got over a thousand crickets in per box. :S (or we should.)

It's a good thing that I did so.
Because in our second shipment of crickets for the week...
The company was really, really off on their numbers.
I mean missing a 100 or so is understandable.
They don't count crickets one by one either.

But we had over half of shipment missing!!
The numbers they 'sent' us were over exaggerated by 500-800 crickets!

No wonder our missing cricket number is so high!

We can't exactly sell insects that we don't have.....

Thankfully, if the error is caught early enough, we can send in for additional crickets.
Which I did so immediately.

I mean...the weekend is coming up....we need those crickets.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

MLAARE -Late Opening

It's been a while since this has happened.
A really, long while.

I drove to work this morning,
like normal.
And came into the parking lot.
Like Normal.
But what wasn't normal...
Was the fact that there were people still sitting in the cars in the parking lot.

With what time I come in right now...
The stockers are always in the store already working before me.
To have them still outside waiting...
With no manager car in sight....

That did not Bode Well.

So I parked my car, got out and went to the nearest car and asked my coworker "What's up?"
"The manager hasn't shown up yet."
"Do you know which one is supposed to come in today?"
(I honestly don't pay attention...I knew when the manager over me specifically was coming in, but didn't know which one was supposed to be in now.)
"No...I called Masto and he said he wasn't scheduled to work today, and I texted Daldon but he didn't respond."
"Oh...what time were they supposed to be here."
"Thirty minutes ago."
So I told my coworker that I would call Sirch -as he was the only other manager number we had. To see if he knew who was supposed to be in, or if he could contact Dot or Turk.
So I gave Sirch a call...
I felt really bad about waking him up so early in the morning..... But we really needed to get the store open and running....
He wasn't aware of who was supposed to come in, but said he'd call Turk who he'd overheard mention that he might come in early, and get back to us.
He got back to us...and said that Turk would be there in half an hour.
Which was....bad because Grooming was supposed to open in half an hour, the Vet was supposed to open in half an hour....Customers would begin showing up to take their pets to both places in half an hour...
But at least it was better than like two hours later....when Turk was actually scheduled to come in.

So, while we waited, I spent the time getting in and out of my car to speak to each car that would show up to say that we had a bit of a miscommunication and that our manager wasn't here yet, but he'd be here soon.

Thankfully. He showed up when he said he would. So we were able to do a mass exodus into the store and start rushing like crazy to get everything done.

I'm glad that we managed to get a manager to come in....because it would have been rather sit out there for a couple of hours without anyway to contact anyone.....

-Sarnic Dirchi


You know what's irritating?

I expressed that I really wished I had cable TV.
So that I could watch a ton of shows. Especially shows of the current seasons, or shows that I like that aren't on Netflix.

And one of my new roommates stated that she is "Happy with what I have."

Which actually.

The only thing she 'has' is MY Netflix.
The only thing she 'has' is MY TV. MY DVD Player. My Amazing Roommate's VCR player.

Everything she uses to watch TV.
Isn't HERS.

Of course she's happy.

Would she be so content with what she had if the Netflix went away? If the DVD player went away? If the TV moved into my room?

Most definitely not.

No. She's liking being able to take advantage of the other roommate's kindness.

Watching shows on my Netflix.

Definitely not happy about that statement.

Seriously. With how much Netflix they watch,, I do think the cable could possibly be worth it to get.... *sighs*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

MLAARE -Unknown Brand

Sometimes I wonder at people.
Who look like they've been wandering around the store for a while.
And finally come up to you and ask:
"Do you carry Dog Food?" -or "Where's the Dog Food?"

I had a customer ask me such a question today.

So I politely pointed it out to them. Telling them that our Dog Food was the last five isles on the right.
O.o "What?"
The dog food is on the last five isles on the right.
From the way he spoke, it sounded like he had only believed that we would have on type of dog food here.
Oh, dear poor customer. We have like thirty different brands of food.
So I asked him, what brand he was looking for.
"I don't know, my wife told me she bought it here."
.....Well, since I have no idea who your wife is, and I can't telepathically connect to her to ask her...I have no idea what you're looking for.
He then went on to add "It had a picture of a dachshund on it, that's what my wife told me."
Okaaay..... that narrows it down to like....7 brands of dog food....
"Just show me where it is."
So I showed him a couple of different bags that had pictures of dachshunds. Or at least, pointed them out to him, he wasn't really doing well with the 'following me' concept. He wouldn't come down any of the isles.
'Give me the smallest bag." Was all he would say.
So I grabbed the smallest bag, and brought it back to him.
"Do you represent this brand?" He demanded.
O.o I just work here, We just carry it. 
-I'm pretty sure he was asking to see if I went to that brand in particular because I was affiliated with it. So I'd get credit for selling it to a customer, or something like that.  
No, I only grabbed that brand of dog food because I knew it had a picture of a dachshund on it. Because that was the only information you gave me on what it had.
"Is this the correct brand of food?"
I have no idea dude. Its your dog, its your bag of food, how can you live with a dog and not know what brand of food you have?!

If you're sending someone to grab things for you from the store.
You should be super specific.
"Get me 30 crickets." Is great and all...but we have large or small crickets.
"Get me a filter." Great...which one? We have twelve different brands and 3 different sizes in each brand.
"I need some fish." What kind of fish do you already have? "I don't know, they needed more fish." ....okay...well some fish would eat other you kinda need to know that.
"Go get some dog food."
What brand? What age? What flavor??
Honestly. It helps to be super specific because it makes everyone's lives easier in the long run.

-Sarnic Dirchi